I am working in a unit with only one regular tech in our shift who is efficient and hardworking, but she has a hell of an attitude. I am barely new to the unit but I think I can't take it anymore. I've discussed about it with my other colleagues who has been working with her for a long time and they would just say that "she's just like that but she's a very efficient one" or "she has a very sad personal life that's why she became like that, but she's a hardworking one". I saw how she treated the old timer nurses, if they asked her to do something and she's in a bad mood, she would just say "NO, that's not my job!" or she would just give them a blank stare as if she heard nothing. I even learned that there was one nurse who left the unit and she's one of the reason. They even told me the reason why she always gets away with that is because the previous NM is her buddy and she has also a great shoe polishing ability skills, which she's starting to do to our new NM now. Imagine how worst she can be with the new nurses.
I could've barely tolerated her attitude since she's been a big help to me with my heavy pt's. Everytime she's helping me with my pt's she would always brag about her technical ability skills like, "How come you nurses don't know how to take the pt's EKG?" Or when we were transferring pt's OOB to chair and I didn't do it the way she does it, she would say, "You don't know how to transfer pt?"
One day while there was a volunteer student nurse observing us, we were cleaning my total care pt. when we noticed that her buttocks were red.. then she blatantly told the student.."Look the nurses don't know how to take care of the pt's skin. Then we have to transfer the pt to a medi-chair, as I was pulling my pt towards me from the sliding board, we noticed that the HOB was a little bit higher than the chair, with her sharp tongue, she sarcastically made a remark, "SMART, WHAT A SMART NURSE! Look the head of the bed is higher". Then she talked to the student in their own language.
I was so furious at that time and I felt that if I confronted her I might loose my composure and that I might shout, cry or even curse her... it was almost the end of her shift. She was off the next day and I did gave ny NM my written report and told her everything this tech has been doing to me. She told me that we will discuss it with the tech the next time we are all on the unit.
I don't know what's going to happen...That tech might retaliate to me by not helping me at all with my pt's. I don't know if my colleagues would support me. But I'm decided that I will give that tech a taste of her own medicine.. No more insulting side comments for me. I am no longer comfortable in my unit because of the fact that me and that tech would have already grudges with each other. I don't intend to work in my unit for long but I just don't want to leave there with them in mind that it's because of that tech. I want to give back that tech all the insults and sarcasm she had on me...I just don't care anymore. It's not right for my colleagues just to tolerate her. Not because she is the only tech in a certain shift and that's because she's very efficient and hardworking that she has the right to be the way she is. I know I will have to endure the days I will be working with her... If you were in my position what would you be doing?