Published Aug 9, 2008
90 Posts
I've been hearing alot of rumours lately mainly from other healthcare workers, that RPN's will become a thing of the past in the future.
I'm currently in the RPN program through Mohawk-McMaster. I'd like to bridge into the RN program one day, but for the time being I want to get my RPN diploma, and work in a hospital, or long-term care facility.
A few Toronto Hospitals already don't use RPN's, only RN's, and i'm worried that this will become a new trend.
What is your take on this? Have you heard similar rumours?
931 Posts
Please do a search as there are lots of threads in this forum on this topic.
8,343 Posts
It's like with every new class of PN programme, someone asks this question.
Haven't even heard this rumour out west.
86 Posts
I just finished Mohawk RPN course and no we are not being phased out... We actually get to do a lot more than they used to "back in the day" LOL.. ( ok im tired) and now most hospitals will give the courses for you to do extras they want like IV starts, advanced wound care and blood transfusions...
St Joes in hamilton used to not have rpns except on medicine and maternity.. now they are in ER, dialysis, Nephro, etc
things are changing.. and i wouldn't expect to see RPNs doing very critically ill patients so yes there may be some hospitals u can't work in but majority out there are in desperate need... before i finished school i had 7 interviews with 7 job offers... and i still get calls today...
4 Posts
... before i finished school i had 7 interviews with 7 job offers... and i still get calls today...
Would you mind giving me some more info about these job offers you received? Were they in hospitals or LTC? Full-time or part-time? Wage range? Geographical area (I assume around Hamilton seeing as you went to Mohawk?)?
I've been thinking about becoming an RPN (in Ontario) and am trying to get as much info about the job situation as is possible.
Would you mind giving me some more info about these job offers you received? Were they in hospitals or LTC? Full-time or part-time? Wage range? Geographical area (I assume around Hamilton seeing as you went to Mohawk?)? I've been thinking about becoming an RPN (in Ontario) and am trying to get as much info about the job situation as is possible.Thanks,Sarah
The job situation is not bleak... i did my pregrad in LTC because well a mix up happened and my teacher took away my pick from the lottery we do.. and it was a big mess but God works in mysterious ways because i loved it... (originally didn't think i would)
After school i was leaving hamilton to move to Elmira (pop 9000) and so since i enjoyed LTC i wanted to see what was out there.. LTC out this way ranged from 16/hr (very small local owned facility) - 24/hr.
If i had stayed in Hamilton at St. Joes where i was working as a ward clerk i would of been making $25-27/hr. Most of my classmates went to burlington to Joe Brant on various floor, i cannot remember the amount but probably around 26/hr but they are also utilized to full scope doing IV's, blood transfusions etc.
I have a LTC job in Elmira for $22/hr i took the paycut because its local and i don't have to commute.. I personally LOVE ltc.. i love getting to know my residents, being able to get to know family, i use alot of skills such as caths, advanced wound care, IV's, and leadership.. I don't feel like i am missing out...
Now i work FT in LTC and Casual in the community (approx 18/hr + 4% vac) .. (i like to be busy)
i forgot to add some places have in lieu of benefits too.. st joes does 14%
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
Lots of RPN jobs in the hospitals in my area and we pratice at full scope.
There are some LTC's that nobody could like but a good LTC is wonderful to work at. I am starting to accept that I actually like LTC and maybe even more than acute care however I am still going through that process.