Role Call Galen Tampa Bay Spring 2012!

U.S.A. Florida


Hello future Rn's!!! I am so ready for February to be here!! I did not see a thread on this, so I started one.. Anybody out there coming on this wild journey with me?


Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.

Hey guys! Did you go to orientation yesterday? What did you think?

hey futureprice,

yes I was there, I thought it was good, especially at the end, Mr Greco was funny and woke us up a bit.. I meant to get in touch with you through here so I could meet up with you there. Where were you sitting?


Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.

I was in the second row in the green striped sweater. I asked a couple questions, most notably if we could wear those men's tops. I do not like those women's tops at all! I tried on a medium and it was too small. Tried on a large and it was too big. I'm 5'8 and chubby with a longer waist so I felt like I could not find a happy medium! Mr. Greco seems cool. I know people are worried about the accreditation but I'm not. I knew they had been a candidate since December which means they have demonstrated the core values. Do you know your schedule yet? Mine changed and now I only have classes Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Hello everyone! I start the two year RN program feb 6th! I missed orientation and am going to the make up one. I cannot seem to find out where my classes are located i need help! I can see on my calendar where they are posted but they have no room #s! HELP?!

Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.

Mine doesn't have any room numbers yet, either. I was also wondering how we're supposed to get it on the first day as we don't have our badges yet? They take your picture at orientation. Orientation was fun, just a little long.


I think I was behind you, and If you are the person I am thinking of I may have spoken to you as we tried on the scrub tops.You mentioned something about a wed-ding as you were trying on the shirt? Londg brown hair? maybe not?

anyway, my classes are as follows: Monday 8-12 Intro to Literature, 1-5 Computer Lab.. and Thursday 1230-3 Intro to Nursing

Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.


I have computer lab and Intro with you. And yeah, I did mention about a wedding and I do have long brown hair. The tops are going to drive me nuts! What size did you end up getting? I'm waiting on my tax return this week before I purchase anything. Are you getting any school supplies (i.e. binders, notebooks, tabs, etc.) before? I'm such a planner.

Yep that was you.. I did not order the scrubs yet.. waiting on some cashflow heehee.. school supplies, I am recycling anything I had used for school last year.. I think I am going to get the large top and the large pants with the drawstring because the elastic will be horrible for my womanly figure :)


Hi all! I got in to the LPN program starting Feb 6th, found out today. I have orientation Wednesday, but has anyone received the LPN schedule of classes yet? Just curious...



Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.

I think as of right now most of the people posting here are RN students. Good luck on Wednesday though! Ask about the badges for me. :)


Want to get lunch on Monday? Or, if anything, just sit somewhere for lunch?

Hey Mark! I'm in the LPN day class too! From what I understand if you have your portal password you can see your schedule. They told me at orientation it should be accurate. I think that everyone is Mon - Wed 8 -5. Then either Thursday 8-12 or 1-5. Then Friday also has either a three hour late start or a three hour break. Your schedule will depend on which of the two sections you are put in. Early out on Thursday section goes with the 3 hour break Friday afternoon. The 1 -5 section is the same people that will start later on Friday. Hope that helps.


Liana- Yeah sure I probably will bring my lunch and eat in the cafeteria. I just have to meet up with some lady in front of the library first to buy my computer book from her. So I will be in the cafeteria after that.

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