Roane State nursing 2016 applicants anyone??

U.S.A. Tennessee


Just wondering if anyone has applied to RSCC nursing for fall of 2016?? If so what classes have you completed and what classes are you in currently? I'm in microbiology now and it's hard and we just started. I made an A in A&P I and a B in A&P II and a B in college algebra and passed the HESI A2 exam. So I hope to get accepted. What classes has everyone else completed or are in?

Maybe. I don't know anyone who is working and doing it. I'm in the same boat tho, I will have to work weekends too

That's gonna suck for us . How old r u if you don't mind me asking? I'm 22

I'm 29, I will be 30 in October

Hey guys I graduated from RSCC in 2014. If you have questions I can maybe be some help! Good luck to you both!

ahouston- I turn 23 in May . And yeah we are very glad someone else is replying to the thread. What's the program like and how r the teachers and do you think me and the other person have a good chance to get in??

The program is pretty fast paced. It keeps you on your toes for sure. I went to Harriman campus so I can only speak to my experience with the professors there, but they were great. Never cared to stay after and help. They always wanted us to succeed in our classes. As far as chances that you get in I'm not sure. We had 810 apply the year I got in (2012), and 120 of us got in. I would suggest you apply at other schools too, Pellisippi does a similar program that's really good also. Maybe apply to both just to be safe. And having A's and B's won't hurt!! Good luck!!

Thank you!!! Did you have all your pre-reqs completed when you applied? I know they have decreased the amount of accepted applicants and that has everyone spooked! Any advice would be greatly appeciated.

Yea I did have all mine done. And my HESI was done too. I took stats instead of college algebra

I have everything done except Micro, Art, and Speech...which I am taking this semester, I also passed my Hesi so I'm hoping and praying.

I am in the RSCC LPN-RN program and it is very hard, study study study......

What would you say the hardest thing was to learn or that you struggled with?

Semester 3 itself is pretty rough but on the bright side your 3/4 of the way there!

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