Published Aug 1, 2009
8 Posts
Hi. I'm a high school senior this year and I know for sure I want to go to RSCC to get my ADN. What all experiences have you had with it? How easy is it to get in? I am a very good student, and have taken every math and science at my high school. I have a very good gpa. I would just like to know your experiences with RSCC nursing program because I think thats where I need to go!
Thank YOU soooo much!
79 Posts
Sorry that no one has answered!
I will be graduating from the nursing program this spring.
I'll just tell you a little about myself. When I graduated high school my GPA was 3.75. I had taken advanced chemistry, biology honors, and advanced math. I went straight from high school into Roane State and completed my prerequisites for the nursing program (english, math, anatomy and phys).
Make sure to do the BEST you can in your A&P classes and math! They accept about 150 out of 800+ applicants every year. It is hard to get into, but well worth it! You are also required to take a pre-entry test called the TEAS exam, I thought it was similar to the ACT, but with more A&P.
When I entered the nursing program, I had a 3.6 GPA. I had made A's in everything except for A&P I and II. I made B's in those classes.
It took some getting used to, but I've only been able to make B's in all my classes. Which, don't get me wrong, is a blessing! Some people struggle to make a 75 (lowest average you can have and pass a nursing course). But when you're used to making A's on everything, it comes as a shock when your best is a low B or even C. Now that I'm about to graduate my GPA is close to a 3.2.
It is very intense. Especially for someone like me, who has had no medical background or experience. I am thankful to have survived it, and very proud to be graduating soon!
Good luck to you!
Let me know if you have any more questions!
44 Posts
Just a small correction....the HESI A2 was the required test for Fall 2010 applicants. I don't know if maybe next year they will change to the TEAS or something else, but for now, it is the HESI A2.
200 Posts
When you applied did you all of your pre-reqs completed? I have applied to start this fall (waiting to get my letter) and have all of my pre reqs except AP2, which I am taking now, and Micro, which I am taking this summer. I have A's in everything but math and I got a B. I was just wondering if my chances are lower to be accepted because I didn't have Everything completed. Thanks!!
and Hannahmarie,
As you can see I'm not in the program yet, still working on my 2 science classes. The prereqs havent been that hard, I did most of them online, but anatomy was a wake up call! I def had to put a lot more time and effort into that class. I'm sure if you set your mind to it you can do it!!
3 Posts
I'm a high school senior as well, planning on attending Roane State for Nursing! These posts were very helpful :)
MissRNStudent10,When you applied did you all of your pre-reqs completed? I have applied to start this fall (waiting to get my letter) and have all of my pre reqs except AP2, which I am taking now, and Micro, which I am taking this summer. I have A's in everything but math and I got a B. I was just wondering if my chances are lower to be accepted because I didn't have Everything completed. Thanks!! and Hannahmarie,As you can see I'm not in the program yet, still working on my 2 science classes. The prereqs havent been that hard, I did most of them online, but anatomy was a wake up call! I def had to put a lot more time and effort into that class. I'm sure if you set your mind to it you can do it!!
Well I know that they rank also by a point system. They give 2 points for an "A" and 1 point for a "B", for A&P 1 and 2 and also, for College Math. So from what Tomi Thompson has told me (Nursing Admissions Coordinator), someone with a 4.0 may not get in IF they haven't completed all of their sciences, because someone with a lower G.P.A, say a 3.7, may have completed their science classes and received an A grade in both, which gives them 4 more points over the person who has not completed their sciences. So the best scenario in addition to having a strong G.P.A, is to complete those science courses (since Math is required) and do well in them, so that you can get as many points as possible.
Well I know that they rank also by a point system. They give 2 points for an "A" and 1 point for a "B", for A&P 1 and 2 and also, for College Math. So from what Tomi Thompson has told me (Nursing Admissions Coordinator), someone with a 4.0 may not get in IF they haven't completed all of their sciences, becasue someone with a lower G.P.A, say a 3.7, may have completed their science classes and received an A grade in both, which gives them 4 more points over the person who has not completed their sciences. So the best scenario in addition to having a strong G.P.A, is to complete those science courses (since Math is required) and do well in them, so that you can get as many points as possible.
Let me just be clear....I am in no way saying that you will not get in with a 4.0, I'm just repeating what was told to me. I think her point is that don't automatically count yourself in because you have a 4.0 (and your sciences are not completed), and don't automatically count yourself out, just because you have what you may not think to be a competitive enough G.P.A. (especially IF you did well in your sciences).
I had not finished all my pre-reqs. I had finished college algebra, comp I, A&P I, and development psych when I applied.
However, I was enrolled in A&P II and the rest of the prereqs in the spring before the program started in August.
Also, make sure you take the math the first semester before you apply! I know that you absolutely have to have that before they'll accept you!
I had not finished all my pre-reqs. I had finished college algebra, comp I, A&P I, and development psych when I applied.However, I was enrolled in A&P II and the rest of the prereqs in the spring before the program started in August.Also, make sure you take the math the first semester before you apply! I know that you absolutely have to have that before they'll accept you!Good luck to you!
Thanks for the info MissRNstudent. That is also what Tomi said. You do not have to have all your pre-req's completed, in order to be accepted, but she just suggested for a better chance to get accepted, to get good grades in the sciences and math, to increase your points. It seems like there is a variety of scenarios to be able to get in and I think that's a good thing.
550 Posts
I had all prereqs complete with mostly Bs (I think 1 A) in sciences and math and was accepted to start last Fall.
Thanks for all of your answers! I think there are different scenerios to being accepted. I guess we will find out in 9 weeks :)
Thanks Dee for the info!!!