Published Aug 17, 2006
1 Post
I graduated with a BS in Health Management in 1998. After 8 years of business experience in the health insurance industry, I am looking to obtain a masters in Phsyciatric Mental Health Nursing. I am looking for feedback as to how I accomplish this goal. I can not afford to quit my job as I have children to support. So if anyone knows the path to obtaining my RN designation, while working full time so I can eventually enter into a PMHN program, I would certainly appreciate the information. The admissions offices at the local colleges/universities have not been too helpful.
4,007 Posts
Welcome to I moved your post to the Pre-Nursing Forum for more responses.
Good luck.
Suebird :)
1,087 Posts
I cant even begin to imagine attempting nursing school while working part time. From what everyone I know says, it is a near killer not working. I wish you all the best. Just know that it will be worth it when you do reach your goal. I know some people can do it, but I know I wouldnt. I honestly dont think I personally could.
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
I know I have read a post and many responses on the male nursing forum and the CRNA forum and possible the general student forum regrading school and child support. I am an avid reader so that is why such posts caught my eye. In any case, you may wish to run a search on the following forums and read through posts or post a specific question to one of the following forums:
Male Nursing:
Nursing Student Assistance:
Oh, and most importantly your future career interest:
Psychiatric Nursing