RNC and BC certifications...Gone?


I am wondering why so many of the certification areas of nursing have disappeared, especially in regards to the ANCC. It's like every other specialty area has disappeared.

How are nurses supposed to demonstrate expertise in certain areas if there is no certification available for the area they work in?

They offer the option to renew if you already have the certification in discontinued areas, but no new exams are offered.

I know this is nothing new...I'm just curious as to why other than "decreased interest."

ANA offered a variety of certifications to promote nursing but as speciality nursing organizations have developed, the certification process was left to them to take control of.

For example, I believe the ANCC used to offer an infusion certification but that has been retired and given over to INS and their CRNI.

The certifications are there, you just should be looking at the specialty organization that sets the practice standards for whatever certification you are looking for.

Well, what I am discovering is that for some areas of nursing, they offer a "certificate" but not a "certification". You can go through and pay for, modules, take a test, pass, but there are no initials to add to your name and you can only say that you completed the course work, but cannot claim it as a true certification.

This is true. However, the real "certifications," like CRNI and the ED and AORN-based ones, are accredited by the ANCC anyway. You are wise to know the difference between real certifications and certificates. People looking for legal nursing credentials (and others) often have a hard time with this concept. :)

Look for the professional nursing organization in your area of interest and pursue their certification process.

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