Published Aug 15, 2005
48 Posts
I was wondering if there is a big difference in having a RN degree with BS or having a BSN? I already have a BS in business and I am starting the ADN program in the beginning of 2006.
My other question is: Do you think I would get a quality education at a community college or should I spend the extra $25,000 and go to a University?
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,863 Posts
I would go the community college route. Especially if it's accredited by the NLN. Community colleges offer top notch education for the ADN.
Many jobs are BSN preferred. So all things being equal, the BSN gets the job. But it all depends because all things are rarely equal. I knew a guy with a business degree and an ADN who is now a director of a huge ER and other departments, even though his job description is BSN-preferred.
Good luck to you!
2,450 Posts
I have a BSc and and Master's degree in another field. I am going for the ADN because it's cheaper and I want to get back to work ASAP.
You can get a quality education at a community college or at a University. Where you go depends on your circumstances (finances, program availability, family commitments) and future career goals.
I have a BSc and and Master's degree in another field. I am going for the ADN because it's cheaper and I want to get back to work ASAP.You can get a quality education at a community college or at a University. Where you go depends on your circumstances (finances, program availability, family commitments) and future career goals.
Thanks for the advice, although I would like know what others think about the ADN with a BS vs. a BSN.
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
There are TONS of other posts on this subject if you do a search, your not the first to ask this kind of question. But my opinion, go all the way. Even if it does not pay more, if you ever decided to go on such as CNM or FNP you do ot have to go back to school for as long, you just have to get into a masters program.
Yes, the topic has been done lots of times.
There are some really informative threads on allnurses about it. Most of the ADN v BSN threads have lots of posting by folks with Bachelor's degrees in other fields.
Pick the school with the best NCLEX past rate and reputation in the community. Talk to local nurses and nursing students.
Having that other degree gives you so many options, (Accelerated BSN, direct entry MSN, etc).
Good luck.