Rn re entry clinical dilemma


Hi allI am a Vermont licensed rn. my license is in inactive stage and I would like to activate and endorse it to California. In order to activate I have to do a rn re entry program. I am thinking about South Dakota state university refresher course. The problem with me is that I can complete the theory online but I have to do the clinical of 120 hrs in Vermont. I live in California and I don't know anybody in Vermont . Do anyone know any hospital or nursing home where they allow 120 hrs of clinical under the supervision of an rn. I will get a temporary license for the clinical. I have never been to Vermont and will be flying just for the clinical. Could anyone of u or your friends can give me some suggestions/advise on my situation please? I really appreciate your help.Thank youAnie

The largest and only teaching hospital in Vermont is Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington. You can contact the nursing education department, they might be able to help you. It might be easier to take the whole course in VT, that way you don't have to worry about setting up the clinical yourself. I highly recommend coming in the summer, unless you ski, it's beautiful here in July/August and travel will be much easier!

Thank you very much Yllomia appreciate it. I did some search about the situation and found an another option. I am thinking about applying for an initial license in California (license by examination) and make the Vermont board to transfer my Nclex result to California and then go from there. I still have to talk to the California board. I know it is a long process have to give it a try. My option 2 is coming there and do the re entry program. Thank you again for ur advice about the snow, am not a winter person:no:

Hi Yllomia,

I had talked to California BRN and they said i can't get an initial license here the only way is to endorse the license. So if I take the Vermont tech re entry course still I have to arrange the clinical. So I am thinking about taking online course from South Dakota and then come and do the clinical. Before I can even start I have to line up the 120hrs clinical. As you suggested I tried calling the Flecher Allen Hospital and the person I spoke with don't know anything about it. Do you work there? Could you please advice me about whom should I contact? Do u know anyone who completed clinical there. It will be a lot of help and I really appreciate your time. Do u know any other Re Entry courses offered in Vermont where we don't have to arrange clinical?

Thank you very much


Got the message. Thank you very much Yllomia you are a life saver. Thank you.

Hello aniemugundu

Did you finally do your refresher course? Where did you do your clinicals? Is Fletcher Allen the only hospital who's giving the 120 hrs. of clinical? I'm having the same problem right now. Can you please share with me your experience with this refresher course? Thank you and I would really appreciate this

hello there! I am in the same boat right now. i have an inactive license in Vermont and I have to take rn re-entry program. I am planning to get online for the theory which SDSU offers. can you help me find a clinical site in Vermont?your help is very much appreciated. thank you!

hello yllomia!!!

can you please help me with m reentry program as well..

i'm having a problem looking for a facility where I can do my clinicals.

please help me.


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