RN New Grad Associates degree, looking for work in Baltimore, MD


Hello, I recently graduated 2014, and passed my nclex first try. I am going to relocate to baltimore MD, and have already switched my license. I have applied to every health facility possible, is there anyone in the Baltimore area, that can give me some advice or heads up on places that will hire New Grads? I am willing to travel (within reason), I will take anything!!! fellow-ship programs, anything available.

Would you be willing to travel about an hour? (Keep traffic in mind though). I know GWU Hospital will hire new grads and only requires an ADN.

I would have no problem traveling, I really need the experience.... I will apply now, thank you so much.

Specializes in Trauma, Orthopedics.

I interviewed at university of maryland medical center, ans it seemed that many of the nurses on the floor did not have their BSN.

Thank you very much! I will try there as well, I hope your interview went well!

Be aware that many hospitals in the area will no longer consider graduates unless you have a BSN. At the Maryland Student Nurses association meeting this year there were many Baltimore hospitals telling the ADN students that they needed to have a BSN.

The good thing is...there are lots of hospitals in the area. I would avoid Good Samaritan Hospital though. I did a rotation there.

Good luck!

Thank you very much! I am enrolled in a BSN program, set to begin in November I hope that makes me considerable. And thanks for the heads up on Good Samaritan.

Hello RN403, do you know the units that are currently hiring new grads ADN at GWU?

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