RN job with DUI on record in IL

Nurses Criminal


I graduated in Dec. 10 and can't find a job. I have a DUI on my record that from 2008. I'm starting to think I will not find a job because of it. Has anyone with DUI been able to find a job as an RN in IL? If so, any suggestions? This isn't something that I can have expunged and not sure what to do.

From what I understand, you would have a problem getting a job if you didn't have a record either! It is a tough job market out there!

I would try looking out of state (ie: Texas).

This is true. If I could only sell my home I would def. move out of state. My dad is actually in Texas, and it would be nice to be closer to him. I have an interview tomorrow, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks for your response!

Please keep us updated Playful and good luck with your interview! :)

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