RN fron Nigeria


Specializes in General Nursing.

Hello collegues, am a regitered nurse from Nigeria. I have put in my application for evaluation in ontario, still awaiting their response. Am believing God to challenge the LPN exam by September. I need your advice on relevant books to help me in passing the exam. I also need a forum to join in discussion. Thanks in anticipation for your responses.

search the boards for related posts, but.....

-assessment strategies inc. had a practice test you can buy online

-a number of colleges offer courses for international students to prepare (its only a few weeks) i know mohawk has it

-the canadian pn exam prep guide - get this first go through the questions and see how you do, then decide where to go from there.

make sure your english and understanding of the canadian health care system are solid. i work with a women, she is very intelligent, worked 25 years in the or and icu as a rn and failed due to the language barrier.

Why the LPN and not the RN exam? Kaplan textbook is very good to study for either LPN or RN exam. I dont know if they have it in Canada. Good luck

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the International forum where here and the Canadian forum has many threads discussing this

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