RN to BSN online


Specializes in Hospice.

:) Hey ya'll......long time.......I haven't been online to this site in ages....and honestly I don't know why.....

Anywho....on to m y question......

I am interested in getting my BSN.....yes I know......should have done that all at the same time.....but didn't.... :crying2:

I was wondering......has anyone done this online w/ Kaplan or somewhere else? I would like some honest advice.

I hate my current job.......and I don't see anyway out unless I continue my education and maybe even work on some type of certification for Nurse Management. So.....please help. There is a school close by that has the RN to BSN program, but my supervisor has severely told me that she went thru that with a former employee and was NOT going to do it again.

Thanks for any input....also feel free to PM/IM me or even email me....



:) Hey ya'll......long time.......I haven't been online to this site in ages....and honestly I don't know why.....

Anywho....on to m y question......

I am interested in getting my BSN.....yes I know......should have done that all at the same time.....but didn't.... :crying2:

I was wondering......has anyone done this online w/ Kaplan or somewhere else? I would like some honest advice.

I hate my current job.......and I don't see anyway out unless I continue my education and maybe even work on some type of certification for Nurse Management. So.....please help. There is a school close by that has the RN to BSN program, but my supervisor has severely told me that she went thru that with a former employee and was NOT going to do it again.

Thanks for any input....also feel free to PM/IM me or even email me....



I'm wondering the same thing. I've been on this computer all day looking. So far university of wyoming looks good but still searching.


Specializes in Med-Surg.

I'm recently started with Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences out of Orlando, FL. It's been o.k. so far http://www.onlinenursing.fhchs.edu/ There are no clinicals, and it's 100% online. They may ask you do some things at your current place of employment, like attend meetings or follow a manager around, but no clinicals. It's NLN approved. As far as private distance learning goes, it's reasonably priced comparied to some others like University of Phoenix.

I'm not understanding your supervisor, are you saying your supervisor had to make accommodations due to your co-worker going to school?

There is also a distance learning bulletin board on this website under the student nurses section, you might want to check that out and post there for more responses.

Good luck to you. If you have any questions about the program I'm in, I'll be happy to answer.

Specializes in Hospice.
I'm recently started with Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences out of Orlando, FL. It's been o.k. so far http://www.onlinenursing.fhchs.edu/ There are no clinicals, and it's 100% online. They may ask you do some things at your current place of employment, like attend meetings or follow a manager around, but no clinicals. It's NLN approved. As far as private distance learning goes, it's reasonably priced comparied to some others like University of Phoenix.

I'm not understanding your supervisor, are you saying your supervisor had to make accommodations due to your co-worker going to school?

There is also a distance learning bulletin board on this website under the student nurses section, you might want to check that out and post there for more responses.

Good luck to you. If you have any questions about the program I'm in, I'll be happy to answer.

Thanks for the insite, but hey...no clinical? How does that work? You are, I assume an RN currently, working on the BSN? Do you live in Flordia or out of state ok?

Yes I'm nosey.....


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Dianne, I live in St. Petersburg, FL and the school is in Orlando. Everything can be done by internet or fax. People in my class are in California, Michigan, and upstate New York. No need ever to have to travel to the school.

Yes, I already am an RN, so need to for clinicals in my opinion because I already know how to be a nurse. I've only just started so I'm not sure what all else is entailed. But they indicated that we may have to use our jobs to do assignments and papers. One of our options this semester for a paper, which I didn't choose, was to attend an Ehtics Committee meeting and write a paper about it. Or "go to work with the idea that you are going to use one of the nurse theorists", or "analayze your shift to see how much of your practice is autonomous". That sort of thing.

You're not nosy, and I'm happy to answer any questions. Good luck in whatever you do. :)

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I did the University of Phoenix online BSN program and it wasn't bad at all - I did it in 18 months.

:) Hey ya'll......long time.......I haven't been online to this site in ages....and honestly I don't know why.....

Anywho....on to m y question......

I am interested in getting my BSN.....yes I know......should have done that all at the same time.....but didn't.... :crying2:

I was wondering......has anyone done this online w/ Kaplan or somewhere else? I would like some honest advice.

I hate my current job.......and I don't see anyway out unless I continue my education and maybe even work on some type of certification for Nurse Management. So.....please help. There is a school close by that has the RN to BSN program, but my supervisor has severely told me that she went thru that with a former employee and was NOT going to do it again.

Thanks for any input....also feel free to PM/IM me or even email me....



I'm doing an online RN-BSN through Slippery Rock University and I love it. Let me know if you need any info

I'm doing an online RN-BSN through Slippery Rock University and I love it. Let me know if you need any info

I've checked into slippery rock as i live in pa too. Tell me more about the program and how affordable do you think it is??

how far are you into it and is there alot of clinicals??

I like that you get get certificates in different areas as well.


Specializes in OR, PACU, GI, med-surg, OB, school nursing.

I've been looking into Slippery Rock as well. What do you like about it? Are there things you dislike about it? There are several classes with a clinical component; is this difficult to set up? Is the administration & faculty responsive to questions? I would be grateful to hear anything you have to say about your experience there.

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