Published Aug 27, 2011
24 Posts
Hello all!
I am very curious to know...what would one say is the riskiest decision they have ever made in nursing? Any input would be greatly appreciated :-)
imintrouble, BSN, RN
2,406 Posts
I made the decision to quit a job when I kept getting floated to areas out of my expertise. I had nothing lined up as far as another job. I just quit.
Some of you brave nurses here would think nothing of that decision, but for a 50 year old, overweight, gray haired granny, it took alot of guts.
It was risky because there was no guarantee I would find another job. I didn't care. It all worked out. IT was a decision I'm proud of, but for me it was a huge risk.
121 Posts
Anytime you report to duty and accept an assignment of 6-8 acute care patients you make the riskiest of decision on your license but basically those 6-8 human lives are in your hands.. literally... and thats riskiest
8 Posts
Resigning from a high paying job because I have morals that the place lacked with no backup job. Winging it!!!
xtxrn, ASN, RN
4,267 Posts
Saying yes one time, when my gut was screaming no.
Thanks for the feedback!