am i right?


1. application to chosen state

2. upon receiving eligibility, you have 2 yrs to decide whenever you wanted to take the exam since eligibility is valid for 2yrs time

3. in that span of time, have ATT then take the exam

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Not all states will have a 2 year eligibility on taking the exam, if I remember rightly a lot have less time like 12 months and one you get ATT it has to be used within 3 months

Suspect that you are speaking of VT since they are one of the only ones that still has the two year eligibility. However, once one registers with Pearson-Vue and receives the ATT, then there is only a 90 window before the ATT expires.

Please be aware that eligibility and having the ATT are two very different and distinct items.

For others that are reading here, the majority of states in the US only grant up to a year before your file will expire if you have not tested during that time. Also be aware that any state can change this length of time that you are eligible to sit for the exam.

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