Returning to bedside after 11 years, advice please


Looking for any advice and encouragement. I worked med surg, pediatric respiratory, and PICU. Then got married and have been doing administrative work since/raising a family. I have been doing disease case management for the last 3 years. I am very bored and uninspired. I miss feeling proud of what I do. My present job is just not for me, but has been great with the kids. I miss the high tech stuff, and the comraderie I used to feel. Please give me some advice. I am afraid no one will hire me, and also have no clue what tye of unit to apply for.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

think of yourself as a new grad (sort of). Apply for general medical/surgical/pedi/post-partum - something that can help you ease back into the groove. Later you can change if you want, although each of these areas have their own challenges and are not a walk in the park.

I have also went through the same thing... As a LPN. I took 9 yrs off, raising a family and taking care of sick parents. I got back into the swing of things by taking 60 hrs of CE, re-certifing in BLS,ACLS, LTC... Basically just re-freshing myself and making my resume marketable. You will find out that your situation is not unique, alot of nurses take several years off and then find themselves "bed-side" again. Goodluck!

thanks for your responses. j464335, what unit did you return to, and how was interviewing? did you find you were accepted?

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

Take a look in some local nursing news outlets like Advance or Spectrum or even contact some local colleges with nursing program and see if they offer a RN refresher.

Good luck to you. I agree with the other comments, apply to med/surg type of floors!

After 11 years it is going to be whole other world. Do a refresher course or update skills. Ease yourself in. I expect even in critical care areas a lot has changed. However, it is like getting back on a bicycle. Once you know how to ride you just need to get back on and it comes back.

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