Resurrection Spring 2013 Applicants

U.S.A. Illinois


Hi!! I finished my Spring 2013 applications, and thought it would be beneficial to start a new thread :)

Currently my GPA holds 3.5 cumulative, I think science wise 3.0.

My TEAS exam came out to be 72%, and I talked to a counselor and he said I don't have to retake it...(I wanted to retake the exam to be accepted as guaranteed admission :( ) and since I applied rather early, he said I don't have to worry...I'm still not sure if I should. What do you guys think? To people who got accepted, what score did you guys get for TEAS exam?

For people who got accepted, congrats!! I was so happy that I got accepted, (at the time I was at Starbucks) I went to the bathroom and danced Happy Dance :D

So my last Cumulative GPA was 3.48, science wise 3.0, TEAS 72. (I was scheduled to retake TEAS but since I got the acceptance call I no longer needed to ;P wasted 70 bucks).

The reason why I got accepted, I think part of reason is because I applied rather early (finished my application in July). I was actually aiming for Fall 2012 but I missed the deadline so I just applied to Spring 2013 instead.

Now, has anyone had their status changed online for the application? I had to send my last transcript in couple days ago, and John said he'll have to check my transcript to make sure I finished my pre-reqs and then the status would change. My status is still application complete, not accepted (Although I got a phone call that I got accepted) :p

I know I shouldn't be worried since I know I finished all my pre-reqs but I feel so anxious!

Congratulations Efcia!!:D

Hi future classmates. Thanks wrl1000jae for creating the thread. I figured I read the threads enough that I should create an account. To help those fretting over the TEAS exam and GPA requirements I currently have a 3.0 cumulative GPA, 3.0 science, a TEAS of 68, and need to complete a few pre-reqs. I feel it is most important to fully complete and submit your application early. My Previous transcript (2005-2009) is HORRIBLE... However the last few years I have had an average GPA of 3.6...Perhaps the committee looked at that in determining my acceptance. You do not have to be an ALL A's student to get accepted....BUT it may make you feel better when you wait to hear if you were accepted. I submitted my application the beginning of August and heard EXACTLY a week later that I was accepted. Can't wait to start, meet all you great students/future nurses. If you are NOT accepted do not feel discouraged. I applied for my community college's program 8 months ago and am still waiting to hear if I was accepted (guess not) but am fortunate that Resurrection staff has viewed my past and present academic accomplishments and sees that I am a great fit. DISCLAIMER: I apologize if words are misspelled...I wrote this on my iPad with limited spell check.

Exactly! I thought my TEAS exam score was low, so I was planning to retake it for guaranteed admission, but they still accepted me. 3.48 cumulative GPA, 3.0 science, Teas 72. I think it's essential to apply it rather early. For people who are not accepted, there are other colleges available, so don't get so discouraged.

In fact, I applied to UIC for Fall 2012, and I didn't get accepted :p

I only applied to Resurrection thinking if I don't get in, I'll just transfer to state school with whatever major and just get bachelors degree, then go for masters in nursing program. There are plenty of other ways to become a nurse, so do not worry! Good luck everyone!

For people who got accepted, congrats!! I was so happy that I got accepted, (at the time I was at Starbucks) I went to the bathroom and danced Happy Dance :D

So my last Cumulative GPA was 3.48, science wise 3.0, TEAS 72. (I was scheduled to retake TEAS but since I got the acceptance call I no longer needed to ;P wasted 70 bucks).

The reason why I got accepted, I think part of reason is because I applied rather early (finished my application in July). I was actually aiming for Fall 2012 but I missed the deadline so I just applied to Spring 2013 instead.

Now, has anyone had their status changed online for the application? I had to send my last transcript in couple days ago, and John said he'll have to check my transcript to make sure I finished my pre-reqs and then the status would change. My status is still application complete, not accepted (Although I got a phone call that I got accepted) :p

I know I shouldn't be worried since I know I finished all my pre-reqs but I feel so anxious!

did he mention how many got accepted so far?

At that time he said 15 people got accepted, but by now I'm sure more people got accepted into the program.

When I was accepted my status changed to "future start"....I am currently taking my five last pre-reqs....

Do you get a break between term A and B? How long?

How did the first week go?

How are classes going? Are they tough

Yes it is tough but that's why it's good. It is very difficult and thorough. There's definitely no cutting any corners in your studying or easy way. It is great so far though. How about I start a separate thread so you all can ask me anything there.

Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted. After waiting for what seemed like forever, today I got the long awaited call from Juan Miranda saying i got accepted! soooo excited and cant wait to start. For everyone who has been accepted, have you taken care of all the required documents yet?

Good luck to those of you who are still waiting to hear!

Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted. After waiting for what seemed like forever, today I got the long awaited call from Juan Miranda saying i got accepted! soooo excited and cant wait to start. For everyone who has been accepted, have you taken care of all the required documents yet?

Good luck to those of you who are still waiting to hear!

Did he happen to mention how many got accepted?

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