Research Recruitment Help

Specialties Research


I'm doing an online study investigating how nurses make clinical decisions. I thought since the study is online and offers a CEU or money as compensation, that recruitment of nurses (RN or higher) to participate would be a breeze. Boy was I wrong. I think I've exhausted all of my personal and professional contacts, and so am looking for advice on how else to recruit nurses. Again, I need nurses with at least an RN, so RN-to-BSN and graduate students can participate as well as run of the mill professional nurses. Any ideas or help? Thanks much from this desperate researcher.

Specializes in Cardiac care/Ortho/LTC/Education/Psych.

Did you try to go to local nursing schools? Maybe you could talk with the instructors about opportunities and your ideas.

How about here to put links, instructions, whatever you think you need? I belive that there are still many nurses who do not like online things so YOU are on good place. Also, how about if you contact nursing leaderships bodies in hospitals around or those that have online sites ( most of them do have!) Maybe they could help you if they are interested in your research . You offer credits, they post on their intranet both sides OK!

Good luck.

Thanks for the ideas, all of which are good. I've done the nursing school bit with little success. It's been kind of hit and miss with the leadership body route; some people were responsive, others not so much. Still though, not much success in terms of enrolled participants. I think you're right about some online skepticism, so, yes, this would seem like an ideal place to recruit. I'm new here, so don't know if this is ok. Would it be kosher to post recruiting announcements on the various forums here?

I don't think so. There have been headhunters who have posted threads here and they've been removed and the users banned. Send a PM to one of the mods with details and they can tell you if it's okay or not. It might all be in the wording.

Specializes in Cardiac care/Ortho/LTC/Education/Psych.


I am only not sure about policy on this site. That you should first clarify with site owners.

BUt it is worth to try.

Let us know.

Maybe I will need help from others same as you need today from us. WE are in good and bad - together.

How are you advertising for the study? What kind of a sample are you looking for? For example, are you looking for nurses only in your area or are you willing to take participants from all over the country? Depending on who you want to include in the sample, there are many ways you could advertise. You could ask permission to hang fliers for the study in local hospital breakrooms or at nursing schools. If you want to include nurses from all over, you could advertise the study right here on (after checking TOS to make sure it would be okay). Also consider posting on other online forums for nurses. I would be willing to participate if you send me the link. I remember how difficult it was to recruit subjects for my own research. Good luck!

I'm interested in nurses (RN or higher) from anywhere and any practice specialty. I'm advertising locally via fliers and presentations. I've run into a roadblock in my efforts to recruit heavily from nurses in our medical center. Nurse managers have been very receptive to helping me recruit, but want to run it through the 'nursing research council' first. After an initial (seemingly positive) response from the head of the council, I've been essentially ignored. I find it curious that nurses make life and death decisions everyday but can't decide for themselves whether or not they want to participate in a research project on their own time. Since my study is completely online, I've been trying to recruit nationally as well. I've had some success tapping into my contacts around the country, but this too has been very slow going. Certainly, my research is much more important and pressing to me than anyone else, particularly strangers who hear about it through the grapevine. Guess I just have to keep plugging along. Thanks for the tips.

Specializes in OB, ER, ICU, Supervision, SANE.

Another avenue, if you are interested in all over the country is to try going through an organization. There are many that would be willing to post the opportunity in their flyer or magazine. I would personally be interested. Some of the organizations out there utilize email, and may be interested in helping out the profession for you.

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