Requirements needed in NY as RN


Hi, I am preparing my application for NY license for RN. I am a foreign nurse. I've seen the website of BON of New York. What are the requirements for foreign nurses? As I answer the form 1, it asked about the subject on child-abuse, etc. --- how do i get along with this? Would like assistance about the steps in applying. Would appreciate help from the NY nurses!

Specializes in Nephro, ICU, LTC and counting.
Hi, I am preparing my application for NY license for RN. I am a foreign nurse. I've seen the website of BON of New York. What are the requirements for foreign nurses? As I answer the form 1, it asked about the subject on child-abuse, etc. --- how do i get along with this? Would like assistance about the steps in applying. Would appreciate help from the NY nurses!
Hi you need to apply to CGFNS for Credentials Verification Service(CVS). then CGFNS sends your CVS report to NY state Education Department(NYSED). You have to send the form 1 to NYSED. NYSED will determine your eligibility to take the exam or licensure..

About the child abuse and infection prevention course.. You can get the information about the approved online course providers on the NYBON website also. They will directly send the certificate to NYBON. The cost of course varies from $15-$30 each depending on the providers.

Your concerns will be better addressed in International Nursing forum.

Go to the International forum here where your request can get answered much faster. The NY forum usually only deals with issues not related to foreign nurses or immigration issues.

There is a sticky at the top of the page called "Fastest way for working in the US"--- it has all fo the information of what you need to do, and how to do it.

Actually, took the liberty of moving your post to the International Forum, where you will get the needed advice.:)

The two classes that you are speaking of; they can be done on-line for a cost of about $15 each. There are links for those listed on the International Forum as well.

Thank you so much!

You are quite welcome. Please let us know if you have any more questions..

is the 2 courses really needed to complete the application in NY state ? Or can you just do it when your already working as an RN in US ? Please reply. Thanks.

If you are going to be actually working in NY, the completion record of them must be shown before you actually can begin work.

so, it's not yet needed for credential evaluation and immigration ? you need it if your going to start to work in NY already am I right ? So, I can just get it when I'm there before I start to work and as of now, just concentrate more on the paper works ? Thanks.

It is better to complete the two classes before you leave for the US, but after you have started the immigration process is fine, etc. You want everything completed that you can get done before arriving, you will have way too much to worry about when you do cross the ocean.

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