Published Oct 6, 2007
26 Posts
hello.. i just passed my nclex-rn and i want to be a dialysis ward nursing a prerequisite in being a dialysis nurse?? or i can have a training in dialysis and apply as a dialysis nurse?? someone please....thanks..
1,547 Posts
in new jersey, atleast in my facility, they train new grad rns or any rns-no requirements or any certifications. congrats on passing the nclex. mabuhay(welcome).
16 Posts
Hi angel!
where in New Jersey are you? Im in lafayette in sussex county. Do you have hiring there in your unit now, Iam a Registered Nurse but i do not have any prior dialysis experience and i really want to be a dialysis nurse. Hope to hear from you! Thanks
Hi angel..thanks for repyling i'm still in the Philippines but i'm panning to go to California and find work there maybe about later this year or next year..Do u or anyone here in the forum have any idea what hospitals/dialysis centers in California hire fresh grad newly passed nclex-rn's??
109 Posts
Most dialysis centers will hire new grads and many prefer them. You shouldn't have a problem finding a job as long as there are openings.
thanks Nephro RN in TX :balloons:
You're welcome! and CONGRATULATIONS on passing your NCLEX. You made it, you earned it.
If you're considering dialysis, one word of caution: Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed that you're an RN and they're not.
hi angel!where in new jersey are you? im in lafayette in sussex county. do you have hiring there in your unit now, iam a registered nurse but i do not have any prior dialysis experience and i really want to be a dialysis nurse. hope to hear from you! thanks
where in new jersey are you? im in lafayette in sussex county. do you have hiring there in your unit now, iam a registered nurse but i do not have any prior dialysis experience and i really want to be a dialysis nurse. hope to hear from you! thanks
i am in middllesex county. yes i think we have an opening as one rn just left. pm me and i will give you the number so you can call and talk to the nurse manager. good luck.
don't let anyone make you feel ashamed that you're an rn and they're not.
what do you mean about the above statement?? i am a dialysis tech/lpn student. who can possibly make the rns feel ashamed that they are a nurse? the tech atleast in my facility look up to the nurse and are nice to them because the tech works under the rns license. maybe you had a bad experience in your facility??
I had a VERY bad experience in my facility. One that caused me to quit this past Friday. I was constantly being harrassed by the PCT's. The most innocent conversation about my training would cause them to run to the FA with "she's not a team player, she doesn't like us because we're PCT's!!! WAAAAA". I was written up twice for my "attitude".
When that didn't work they began making up outright lies, ones that could have landed them in a nice little law suit if I played dirty, which I don't.
At once point I was helping a client cover up and get situated before she was put on and she said "M... you're going to make a really good nurse one day".... my reply was "well thank you" NOT Hey lady, I'm already an RN, they just won't let me act like one"... the PCT snickered when she heard the client and then ran to tell the other techs that even the clients didn't consider me a "real" nurse.
We had to wear PPE's over our scrubs so a name tag was no help so we'd write our names on the PPE's with our title below it. Every morning I'd come in and grab my PPE from the day before and covering R.N. would be a nice red blood stain, one that wasn't there the day before. Funny, when I stopped writing RN on it, the blood disappeared!
Yeah, I've got a very bad taste in my mouth, but that won't stop me from being nice and supportive towards ANY dialysis employee that wants me to be nice and supportive to them. The others, I'll just ignore.
i had a very bad experience in my facility. one that caused me to quit this past friday. i was constantly being harrassed by the pct's. the most innocent conversation about my training would cause them to run to the fa with "she's not a team player, she doesn't like us because we're pct's!!! waaaaa". i was written up twice for my "attitude". when that didn't work they began making up outright lies, ones that could have landed them in a nice little law suit if i played dirty, which i don't. at once point i was helping a client cover up and get situated before she was put on and she said "m... you're going to make a really good nurse one day".... my reply was "well thank you" not hey lady, i'm already an rn, they just won't let me act like one"... the pct snickered when she heard the client and then ran to tell the other techs that even the clients didn't consider me a "real" nurse.we had to wear ppe's over our scrubs so a name tag was no help so we'd write our names on the ppe's with our title below it. every morning i'd come in and grab my ppe from the day before and covering r.n. would be a nice red blood stain, one that wasn't there the day before. funny, when i stopped writing rn on it, the blood disappeared!yeah, i've got a very bad taste in my mouth, but that won't stop me from being nice and supportive towards any dialysis employee that wants me to be nice and supportive to them. the others, i'll just ignore.
when that didn't work they began making up outright lies, ones that could have landed them in a nice little law suit if i played dirty, which i don't.
at once point i was helping a client cover up and get situated before she was put on and she said "m... you're going to make a really good nurse one day".... my reply was "well thank you" not hey lady, i'm already an rn, they just won't let me act like one"... the pct snickered when she heard the client and then ran to tell the other techs that even the clients didn't consider me a "real" nurse.
we had to wear ppe's over our scrubs so a name tag was no help so we'd write our names on the ppe's with our title below it. every morning i'd come in and grab my ppe from the day before and covering r.n. would be a nice red blood stain, one that wasn't there the day before. funny, when i stopped writing rn on it, the blood disappeared!
yeah, i've got a very bad taste in my mouth, but that won't stop me from being nice and supportive towards any dialysis employee that wants me to be nice and supportive to them. the others, i'll just ignore.
i am so sorry to hear that story nephro. wow i can't believe those pcts are so rotten like that. i understand what you are saying though because we also have some bad apples in my facility but the nurses get to say the final word. pcts work under your license so they should be thankful that you are around and they get to perform their jobs. i'm glad you're not going to let this ruin your career in dialysis. i'm sure many more dialysis centers out there would love to have you. hey why don't you move here and we'll make you feel welcome? hehe. well, take care and god bless. you are a nurse, you are a hero.
DeLana_RN, BSN, RN
819 Posts
Nephro RN,
I'm glad to see that you left that he!!hole (oops, I meant toxic environment) where the FA is a jellyfish and her underlings are firmly in charge and encouraged to harrass their superior, the RN (that is reality, according to the BON).
I understand that you wanted to give it a good try, and you did (I know how it is - I put up with harrassment from my dialysis preceptor years ago, however she was an RN; I stuck it out 'cause I didn't have a lot of options at the time. But I had a very supportive FA; yours is apparently clueless).
I hope you don't give up on dialysis, it's really a rewarding field. Even within the same company the clinics can be very different; management makes or breaks them (yours was very broken). You could also try the competition, if any, or contact your local hospital(s), which might have their own inpatient dialysis unit.
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience and wish you the very best.