

I Have been on probation since November 29 of last year in ohio. I recently contacted my casemanager and requested to get early release from probation bc I have completed all my requirements under my consent agreement and have been squeaky clean with keeping up with my monitoring program. the hearing is set for November 21, which the early release will be just 8 days before my initial release. has anyone else ever attempted to be granted early release and what else could I do to enhance my chances for early release?

heck I didn't even know such a thing was possible. Good Luck!!!

1 minute ago, SpankedInPittsburgh said:

heck I didn't even know such a thing was possible. Good Luck!!!

I wasn't aware of it being possible until one day the job I am currently employed at the day was so bad I was thinking of switching to prn just to keep my sanity so I contacted my case manager and asked her would me switching to prn effect my consent agreement and would my time be pushed back further for release bc I would no longer be full time. she informed me that instead of going prn and potentially effecting my consent agreement ending date. maybe I could just request for early dismissal of probation. she gave me the steps and the board had to determine if they would listen to my case at the next meeting the next day she responded and told me they would listen to it in November 21 and to contact her the afternoon of November 21 to determine if I would get early release or not. my end date is November 29 but bc the board meets every other month and the meeting is November 21, I would have to wait until the third week of January to actually get dismissal which I would much rather just be done a few days earlier than have to be on probation for 14 months

Wow! Switching to PRN affects your order? That’s crazy! My 3 year program requires I work 6 months with a narc restriction and 6 months without and I’m good. Any employment status fulfills that requirement, too. I can’t see how making someone work full time would be beneficial to their mental health if it were a stressful job.

Good luck on your hearing!

Am I reading correctly you are asking to be released like 9 days early or months??

Im in Ohio and have ten months left. What I wouldn't give....

Could you guys email me? [email protected]

I get reinstated in 3 months And I would like to connect with some fellow nurses to see what probation is like. And also to see how hard it was to find employment.

I am in Ohio and have completed two years of my required two years.. however time doesn't count until you have worked as a nurse for the whole concert agreement. So by the time I am done, I will be in for three years. Three years of drug tests, anger, shame, and resentment. I did ask for early release but only had been off my six month narcotic restrictions for a few months. I will be asking again in January.

How did you do it! What are the steps?

13 minutes ago, berdeenbird said:

I am in Ohio and have completed two years of my required two years.. however time doesn't count until you have worked as a nurse for the whole concert agreement. So by the time I am done, I will be in for three years. Three years of drug tests, anger, shame, and resentment. I did ask for early release but only had been off my six month narcotic restrictions for a few months. I will be asking again in January.

How did you do it! What are the steps?

I simply sent an email to my case manager requesting early release. luckily, I sent it the night before they went over what they would review in front of the board. by sheer coincidence I happened to call my case manager and she told me to just email her a request. I did she let me know via email that they would listen to my case and determine if I get early release or not. on November 21, I was notified that I was granted release but not early release and had to wait til nov 29 to be off of probation and monitoring which was ok by me bc if I would've not did It the board only has meetings every other month I would've had to be on probation until jan 21 when my original consent ending was nov 29

Oh I see, so this was to get off probation then?

Sounds sort of like my narcotic restrictions. They were only supposed to be for six months but you can't ask for them to them to be removed until six months is up.. then wait for the board meeting two months later. So it was 8 month narcotic restriction. Super fun on a surgical floor. My poor coworkers.

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