reporting abuse


I went home today from work wondering if I should report what my patient said to me. She was crying and told me her mother was going to get her husband arrested. I asked, "why do you think she'd have him arrested?" and she sobbed, "because he hits my child...She's 7 years old." Should i report this? Also, in report I was told rumors of the husband treating her badly. Should I have asked her if he ever hits her? I feel like I should have done more. Is it too late?

Specializes in Psychiatric nursing.

We have mandatory reporting in Aus...Because the woman told you that her husband hits the child we would automatically report that to child safety...

I agree, you are a mandated reporter. Report this ASAP. I believe there usually a time frame in which to report, maybe 24 hours? They will conduct an investigation. A report made in good faith, even if determined no abuse has occurred, is never wrong. Your gut is right on this one.

Good luck.

Specializes in Psych, med surg.

Yes, this should be reported. It is not up to us as mandatory reporters to decide if there is or is not abuse or neglect. We have to report anything we suspect. When you call it in, just say what you know. Do not extrapolate. If they ask something you don't know, say so.

I would have asked the patient more information about the situation. How often does he hit the child? Is he alone with the child? Most importantly, where is the child now? Does the pt feel safe with her husband? Gather as much info as you can.

The first time I asked a patient these questions knowing I was going to call a report into DHS I felt awkward but remember, you are protecting someone who is unable to protect themselves.

File a report as soon as possible.

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

And speak to the patient again and ask if she would mind if you have the social worker come and speak with her. Social services often have resources for victims of abuse that we as nurses may not know about. In the future, try to take a bit more time to get a little more specific information about the situation so that you will be better informed when you make your call. And be sure to document all your actions in the chart and inform your charge nurse/ manager in case follow up is needed when you are off shift. It is never too late to go back and speak with her about the matter.


PICK UP THAT PHONE it is not up to you to investigate it IS up to you to report.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

YOu need to call your supervisor immediately and reprot the statements of the mother. You are mandated by law to report all incidences of suspected child abuse.......elder abuse and disabled abuse.......

I called my charge nurse this morning and told her. She said there is a social worker on the case already and she will pass on the info to her if they need to contact me. Thanks for all the replies.

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