As men in general, it is important to exercise everyday.
This means taking 30 to 90 mins a day for the sole
purpose of walking, running, lifting, squating it out
following some hard core workout program on a DVD or
some hard core pilates. What ever it takes. You can
make up your own program if you like. During the war
I would carry a deck of cards.. the number on the card
meant i did that number in pushups, squats.. just squating down and holding it for a second.. and situps and
run in place x 10 sec of that number.. what ever it takes.
you could mix it up depending on what day it was...
Stress and stagnation are the enemy. Exercise is the best way
to counter those bad guys. We all either went to school or are in
the process of going to school to know what is healthy to eat and
what kind of crap to not put into your body. The more crap you put
into your body, the more stress your body has to deal with.
Myself, for the next 89 days, I have purchased the p 90 x system
I just finnished day one. The workout today reminded me of waking up
at 4 20 for Physical training when I was in basic training. This is a bit more
intense though, as halfway through the DVD, I felt a little nauseated.
I had gained some weight when I was in graduate school, easy on, hard off. I love bench pressing
pushing the weight of my chest, knocking out reps, it is a mental high, but i know I have to work
the rest of my body, work that out... So I am doing this program, It seems logical, very intense, and so be it
if I lose some poundage of my bench press, for the sake of my weight loss, cardiovascular health, and general feeling of well being. I cant do squats with weights or deadlifts because of my back injury from parachuting in the active army, but that is ok.
I have considered phenteramine as an adjunct to my weight loss goals. I did clinicals with a MD who safely prescribes phenteramine to patients, in conjuction with a decent diet and exercise. It is something I am still considering, but I doubt it.
Let me tell you men in nursing who are in school right now... find time to exercise everyday, find the time.. your body needs it, your mind will be refreshed, you will study better, it will be like adding 5 hours of sleep.. that is you will feel that refreshed after a while. Your grades will be better...
Any other men in nursing in similar situations ?
Please feel free to comment.
Patrick1rn, RN MSN, FNP...