Rejected from BSN accelerated program

Nursing Students ADN/BSN


Hi ...I found out I was rejected from the BSN Accelerated Program due to a low gpa...2.7 and 3.0 is needed. To my surprise, I didn't know it is added culumative. I didn't do so great in college in my 20's but when I went for my BA, I did outstanding. Help...need advice on what to do to get accepted in BSN program.

ABSN can be very competitive. I graduate from my BA program in my early 20s with a 2.7 gpa. When I decided that I wanted to pursue nursing, I actually went back from my ASN (associate's degree in nursing). I did part-time and worked full-time because my job essentially covered the tuition for that degree. After I obtained my RN license, I went back for my RN to BSN (which was also covered). It is a longer route to the BSN, but if you're not in a hurry and if you really want to pursue nursing, it is an alternative route.

At this point I am looking into both lpn and Adn....LPN...eeb, Hunter and ADN: St. Paul's which seems like I am most likely to get in but it is a FT 20 month program on they Fri 8 to worries me I may burn out from that alone and not study...or is it my fears talking. Also I want to look into Boxes and LaGuardia Community College.

Where one door closes another will open. Try applying to private programs or smaller schools for nursing. Even the schools that aren't as popular as where all the top students flood to you should apply. Take a chance and take a risk. At the end of the day everyone takes the same NCLEX and not everyone who entered nursing school with a 3.0 - 4.0 even complete those programs. Don't let this setback hold you back from becoming a nurse. Any program you will enter has its pros & cons but if this is truly what you want then be patient, fish around for schools and don't let rejection keep you from your calling.

PS: I'm speaking from experience here but I've been to an interview at a well known nursing school and was told my gpa wouldn't get me into any nursing school.... fast forward two years later I am now preparing to take my NCLEX. So yeah, dust yourself off & try again.

Eff it😊. Apply to other places.

So what is your current situation?

I'm in the exact same situation and am struggling trying to figure out where I fit in now 😞

I recently was accepted into an accelerated program. My undergrad GPA was low but I took a year and a half extra classes and took hard science classes like biochem and ochem and got A's on them. There is hope!

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