
Nurses General Nursing


I so regret not becoming a teacher. I was a nurse for 37 years. Worked 12 hour shifts, weekends,  nights and holidays.  Teachers get summers off, currently some schools are getting three weeks off for Christmas. Nurses  cannot even ASK for time off around Christmas. Don't forget the snow days. When it snowed I got up two hours early to dig myself out. Now comes  MLK day, President's day,  and Easter break.   ***sigh***


Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Been there,done that said:

I so regret not becoming a teacher. I was a nurse for 37 years. Worked 12 hour shifts, weekends,  nights and holidays.  Teachers get summers off, currently some schools are getting three weeks off for Christmas. Nurses  cannot even ASK for time off around Christmas. Don't forget the snow days. When it snowed I got up two hours early to dig myself out. Now comes  MLK day, President's day,  and Easter break.   ***sigh***


  • You could have also done school nursing ?
Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

No regrets.

Working as a nurse was a life priority and I never had a problem working any of the holidays, weekends or midnights. In fact, I requested to do so and was thusly rewarded.

Work was less toilsome, I made more money, and magical things happened while the mainstream was off the clock.

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