regarding age entering nursing

World International


Can anyone comment on what it may be like to enter the domain of nursing in one's very late 30's/early 40's?

I am considering a career transition from teaching into nursing and am already hitting 37.

Further, would it make a diff regarding age & the type of training?

Thanks in advance for any comments.

Specializes in Mursing.

I think nursing welcomes all ages and if you really want to become one it shouldn't be a hindering factor.

Nursing is not just a job it is a life style

, all ages would welcome the opportunity I'm sure.


in my gradauting class it was the eldest had great marks ,we were more busy having fun

Specializes in Emergency, Telemetry, M/S.

AS far as being too old is concerned I wouldn't give that another thought, considering I started nursing school at 37 y/o. Truely, the hardest thing I've ever attempted, but I did it. It is alittle awkward being a new graduate nurse at 43 y/o and being preceptored by someone half my age, but that's my own insecurities. I say do it and good luck.;)

Thanks so much to all for your input & encouragement. I'd like to respond to the person who asked why I'd quit teaching. It's really not for me. I'm not a performer, I'm not into being the center of attention, and the the pay and hours are good, I'm burning out from understimulation and being in the wrong profession surrounded by the wrong people. I'm out of place.


Good for you for your awareness at who you really are or who you want to be Nursing is the very best at all facets of its dedication to

people who need help. Enjoy the process , all the way.

Good luck


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