Published Jul 14, 2008
8 Posts
I Have recently quit marijuana and am very surprised at the withdrawal. I have severe deppresion and a laundry list of other mental health issues so the pot was a fantastic self medication, but now that Ive stopped the Mental problems are all back at once. I am experiencing (in less than clinical terms) Mental images of horrific events (torture rape etc.) rampant thoughts/visions of suicide, restless legs, anxiety/hypertension, insomnia, loss of appetite and the occational feeling of intoxication (thats the one I'm fine with:lol2:). I am very happy that this will go away soon and I can go back to being relatively sain again. things are getting much better already just thought I'd share though.
Has anyone else out there experienced this? Any good coping techniques? I believe the withdrawal is only so severe because of the mental health issues and extraordinary usage.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,420 Posts
Whatever we were self-medicating for is always there when we detox. The same thing happened to me the first time I withdrew and was a basket case. I felt very vulnerable, not in touch with reality and raw. Unless we deal with the garbage that's in our head eventually were bound to use again. I went to a county mental health clinic and got some help, as well as went to a lot of meetings.
I hope you find someone in real life to help you deal with all of this.
Good luck!
20 Posts
I used to have quite the problem with pot. I stopped smoking after 3 years of very heavy smoking when I graduated from highschool. Holy crap was it horrible. I was having panic attacks left and right. I was so paranoid. I remember that if I was near anyone in public I would just freak out start crying and ran away. This was a really tough time for me. I never went for medical help though, no meds or anything. I just used to take long walks where I knew no one was going to be around. I spent time writing in a journal about how I felt. I spoke about it to one close friend, who I knew didn't understand but I knew was there to help me. Don't try to think too much. Don't go into overly stimulating enviroments. Try to remain away from stress, other than the stress of withdrawl. Take care of yourself. Hot baths.... good food. Just use deep breathing when all else fails. I remember I always felt like I couldn't breathe so I would breathe in a paper bad to assure myself that I was breathing!
Oh and by the way this lasted about a month and a half for me. If it gets real bad though, go seek help. This really does a ton to your psyche.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, I dont feel so alone in this anymore or so ashamed, your posts make me realize I can do this and I MUST. I'm on day three and I'm so excited to be free of the addiction. I'm also making sure not to drink AT ALL because I no I'm and addict.
I cant put into words how much your posts help.
-sam, a RECOVERING Addict. :bowingpur
p.s. Im not real poor or anything I can afford some treatment I just dont know where to go... I'll try searching for my counties mental health facility, any suggestions are greatly appreciated though.
You would think that w/d from pot wouldn't be a problem though, so I know exactly what you mean! But it is a great form of self medication! Three days, good for you. It is hard to even do just one day! Try to keep yourself away form the other people you know who do it, that way you don't have to test your will power just yet. It took me about 3 months before I knew I was so disinterested in it due to the w/d from it that I knew I didn't want to do it and I could hang with the old buddies that did it...... infront of me! But feeling these w/d symptoms really makes a person never want to do it again, b/c it would mean the same w/d over and over again. I wasn't poor either, just decided to deal with it on my own... although I did have one anti pot friend who I could speak to about it. But if the anxiety keep rearing its ugly head, see your PCP and ask for some Paxil. Try not to get any Benzo's though b/c if you liked pot, you'll get into the same funk with them. Take care.. Keep in touch.. More than happy to help!
just wanted to update. Im goin on week three and taking 5-htp for my depression and trying melatonin tonight for the severe nightmares.
I have heard that melatonin actually can cause nightmares, so be careful. I am here if you need me. What are you taking for depression? I used paxil for my anxiety and such. It worked wonders for me. I am sorry you are feeling this way. I hope things become a little better for you. Just know as you detox that your body is becoming well and clean, it just has an odd way of showing you that at first.
5-htp id working great for the depression and i haven't tried the melatonin yet. for the last couple of days i've been using valerian root at night and i still have very vivid and slightly disturbing dreams but a zast improvement over the nightmares. I feel more in touch with emotions now, I guess the pot just numbs those. Im happy to be clean and sober. less than a week for one clean month (i'm siked)
oops, only week three and one month will be august 11. still siked though :nuke:
Keep up the good work, one day at a time!!!
blackberry, BSN, RN
34 Posts
I read your posts. My bf has been a heavy pot smoker for about 11 years. He did quit for about a year but started up again. He's tried to wean himself off, but couldn't. So, he went to the doc and she prescribed zoloft, which has really helped him with anxiety and depression.
When he would go without, he had trouble sleeping and wanted to be alone. He got agitated easily and wanted to be alone. Thank goodness for antidepressants.
I know of another female who did pot and cocaine...injected it in her veins. She is on zoloft which has helped her.
I wish you well! Keep it up.