Recent New Grads: Job Search Poll

Nurses New Nurse


To recent new grads: I'm trying to get some idea of what my hubby will be facing when he graduates with his ASN this Fall. If you could kindly respond with the approximate dates you graduated, took your boards, and the date you were hired (or if you are still looking for employment as an RN). Thanks! :D

Specializes in ICU (med/surgical/transplant/neuro/ent).

Started second degree bsn accelerated program May 07.

Graduated Aug 08.

Started as a GN in the ICU mid Sept.

Passed NCLEX beginning of Oct.

There's alot I love about the ICU, but I'm ready to leave the bedside nursing environment (yep I am one of those new grads).

Graduated May 2008, took boards July 2008, got a job August 2008

Specializes in Oncology, Med-Surg.

I am in Hawaii. Before I graduated made your my Board of nursing had my application, fee, transcripts, letters of my graduation. I graduated with my BSN December 2008. Took a 2 week break before studying for NCLEX. Took Kaplan course and studied Mosby and Hogan Comprehensive NCLEX book from January -February 2009. Received my ATT, registered for Pearsue Vue and took my NCLEX in March 2009. Received my license in the mail May 2009. Applied for various nurse aide, ward clerk, RN jobs to get my foot in the door at any hospital. Received a job offer as a RN job with Kaiser Permanente in June 2009. Currently on orientation for 6 to 8 weeks.

I hope this helps!

I graduated 5/3/09 and started my job as a GN 5/18/09, took my boards 7/20/09. I started putting in applications in January 2009 because it can take so long. I had no experience and worked at the hospital in a clerical position prior to this. I applied to about 20 positions within the hospital and this was the ony one I had a call back on. We have a policy to offer jobs to in house staff before hiring outside. I also applied to all of the local hospitals with no call backs. My friend worked as an office manager for a local GYN clinic and got a job in the acute care rotation program in June, and she graduated/tested the same dates I did. She did not previous work at this hospital. I can say that the both of us originay got interviews with help from an instructor that works at the facility, at least as far as getting us in the door for an interview.

Specializes in ICU, Informatics.

Graduated late May 2009, passed boards July 9th, and hired early July for a September start date (started job hunting late Dec. 2008).

Specializes in New Grad..

I graduated May 19th. Took HESI May 22nd. Got my ATT a couple days later and started applying for jobs. Stopped applying til I passed boards. Passed boards June 30. I have applied at 11 different hospitals for at least 30 different jobs. Had one call back. I am EXTREMELY frusted with the job hunt. I live in Valparaiso, IN. I have applied to local hospitals as well as in Chicago. This is a career change for me. I have previous experience in a steel mill for 6 years. I don't understand not being able to get a job and never would have thought that I wouldn't get one after graduating.

Specializes in critical care.

Graduated late may 09... NCLEX Mid July.... Job offer 2 days after I passed:wink2:

Specializes in Adult & Geriatrics.

boy oh boy...I am finishing up the last year of my graduate entry program, but sat for the NCLEX-RN May 19 '09 (passed...thank God!) and found a job in the last week of June '09 (in my case it was all about 'who' you know!!! :coollook:)

Graduated a BSN program in May 2, 2009, passed boards July 10, 2009, and still job hunting in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Specializes in Hematology/Oncology.

Here's my timeline:

Applied for the only job I really wanted (hem/onc unit at a teaching hospital) in March, online. Never heard a word.

Called HR in early May to inquire, told they were "no longer scheduling interviews with new grads" due to a lack of openings, I could enter my info into a database and "when and if" they started considering new grads they would contact me. Found out that the other teaching hospital in commuting distance had also suspended their well-thought-of new grad program -- aaaaaa!

Graduated May 16.

Took NCLEX June 4, found out I passed the next day.

Worked every connection I had at the hospital I wanted to work at. Obssessed about when to give up and start applying at LTC facilities.

Finally landed interview at the end of June.

Found out I got the job about a week later. Chose August 10 as my start date to allow for previous plans and family time.

I'm in Vermont.

Hope this helps -- good luck!

Things are rough here, south of Boston, MA. It's tough if you don't have health care experience and you don't have an "in". Even people who were promised jobs by their current employers are not getting them! I graduated in May '09, passed the boards in June, and have been seriously job hunting since February (well before graduation). Several hospitals in the area have hiring freezes (one even laid nurses off), and some are only hiring internally. After months of going after hospital jobs, I've just been hired at a LTC facility. That's pretty much been the way with most of my class (at least the ones who have jobs, and that's maybe half so far). The ones who got hospital jobs are the ones who either already worked there or had very good connections. Good luck!

Specializes in Trauma ICU, Peds ICU.
To recent new grads: I'm trying to get some idea of what my hubby will be facing when he graduates with his ASN this Fall. If you could kindly respond with the approximate dates you graduated, took your boards, and the date you were hired (or if you are still looking for employment as an RN). Thanks! :D

Graduated May 22nd, took the NCLEX-RN on June 18th, hired about a week later.

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