10 Reasons They Haven't Contacted You After a Job Interview


Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.


I thought this was worth sharing, given that the new grad job hunting season is starting to begin. Some things to keep in mind as you wait to hear back after interviews.

And the very first thing they mention is something that I've already been saying for years. It's nice to be validated :)

Looks like good advice.... sometimes I'm the one 'waiting by the phone'. Guess I should stay in motion~~~

Specializes in LTC, Agency, HHC.

Well, I know HR's are busy....but so are we. They also get an hour for lunch and work 8-5 M-F. If you can't take 2 seconds to return a phone call/email saying the positions been filled (after I call/email to ask).....then I am better off not working for that company. Busy? Excuse. If I used that excuse on the floor, they'd fire me. Doing these 2 things is a HUGE turn-off for a job hunter.

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