Reapplying for a job

Nurses General Nursing


I an reapplying for a job with a company I used to work for and I could use some advice. I did not leave by choice. It was my first nursing job and I made some mistakes. It was a very challenging and poorly run unit with a high turnover. I had not yet learned how to manage my stress and I got burned out. I worked there about 2 and a half years and have been gone for more than 5 years.

My question is how do I best discuss this in an interview? I would very much like to work for this company again. At the time, I was frequently 5 to 7 minutes late. I no longer have that problem. I have been at my current job about 2 and a half years and have been late maybe once or twice. The reason I was let go from that job was for the lateness and I got into an argument with another nurse in a common area. I have matured a lot since then and I've grown exponentially as a nurse.

Advice would be appreciated from anyone that has experienced this or any hiring managers that may have some input. I want to be honest but I also want to have a chance.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
That was my first job and I was burned out. I have changed a lot since then. I really did enjoy working for the company and am looking at a different position at a different hospital.

Sour Lemon came across as exactly what his or her name suggests. That is the type of passive aggressive nastiness that I am dismayed is so rampant in nursing. Maybe I misconstrued it. However the follow-up comment suggests otherwise.

Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Your nasty responses to Sour Lemon and the general tone of your responses subsequent to the original post do not indicate a huge leap in maturity, personal growth or a positive outlook. Perhaps the passive aggressiveness and nastiness you've encountered so often in nursing is elicited by your own behavior?

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