Realistic profile of an accepted NVCC Online Hybrid RN Student?


Specializes in L&D.


I'm at the beginning of my journey -- I will take my last exam in my A&P I class tomorrow. I already have a degree in another (non-science) field, and am looking for recent info about what the typical profile of an accepted NVCC Online-Hybrid Track RN Student is. Not what the requirements are, but what the cumulative GPA and pre-req GPA, TEAS scores, etc. of the typically accepted student is if anyone has that info.

I see so much talk on the pre-nursing student boards about how only students with 4.0s should apply and yet the requirements are obviously much lower than that -- I'd like to get an idea of where the reality lies.


I just sent in my application for the upcoming online hybrid cohort. From my understanding, decisions will be made and sent out by November 8th. Should I get accepted into the program and have access to these statistics, I'll gladly share them with you.

Hello, I have criminal convictions and wanted to do the background check before applying. What company do they use for the background check?

Thank You

Certified Background, but call the program for the background check code first. You can still pass the background check and have criminal convictions.

I am a 2010 grad of the online hybrid program. I also have a previous BS (in science). I can't remember my prereq GPA off the top of my head, but it was not a 4.0. Probably more in the 3.6-3.8 range. I did take all of the non-nursing co-requisites through NVCC before applying to the program and had a 4.0 in those courses. My GPA in my previous degree was closer to a 3.0, but I'm not sure if they take that GPA into account or just if you have the degree. However, I did have pretty high scores on the entrance exam, which at that time was the HESI. My overall score was around 96%, which I think helped me considerably.

Good luck and hope this helps!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I will graduate in May 2014. I had a BS in engineer. My prerequisite, which was taken at NVCC (except the general ed) was about 3.6. My Teas are math 100, reading 97, english 90. I also took all my corequisite before starting the nursing program and got A in most of them.

You don't need a 4.0 GPA, but it's somewhat competitive. Most of my class are second career change, and very motivated individuals.

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