U.S.A. Pennsylvania
Published Aug 7, 2007
293 Posts
Anyone have any information on Reading Hospital & Medical Center? What is their pay like, are their employees happy, etc. I will be graduating in January 2008 and I'm looking to relocate. I am interested in hospitals with Trauma Centers.
Any feedback would be helpful.
74 Posts
I currently attend thier nursing program. I don't know for sure about pay- I believe I've heard somewhere around $23. They do participate in the loan forgiveness program. I have heard it is a good hospital to work at.
Sorry I couldn't offer any first hand advice. Hopefully someone else who does work there answers because I will probably be working there when I graduate too.
Thanks for your feedback Evbella!! Every little piece of information is helpful.
64 Posts
We have several nurses on ur unit who came here from working there and HATED it. They would not recommend it for a second. I work in pediatrics, so I'm not sure what it is like for nurses working with adults. However some of our nurses say they will not take their family members there for what its worth.
Havin' A Party!, ASN, RN
2,722 Posts
Brian F
36 Posts
I was actualyl hired there for their ED when I graduated and then applied to Lehigh Valley Hospital and the yoffered me a position as well. I took the Lehigh job over Reading (and yes, it is about 30 minutes further for me to drive) because when I toured the ER during my interview... I noticed most of the staff was very young, most under 25yo. there were not too many nurses when were "seasoned." The one nurse came over to talk to the perons who was interviewing me and never acknowledged I was there. Maybe she was busy, but a "hi" ony takes a second and from the staff would have been nice to hear. An Effective ER takes "older" and young nurses to be productive. The older nurses have the background and the new have the updates and new technology. I guess that goes for any area of a hospital. If there is not a mix it wont work effectively. Good luck with your decision. I work with some students who graduated from RHSON.