Published Nov 22, 2005
187 Posts
Hey all,
Well..I got the flu shot this morning at about noon or a little later..I was sicker than a dog!!! I have a severe headache, severe body aches, shaking chills, and a fever. Also at around noon...I started coughing non stop and had severe audible the point where I felt like I was going thru an asthma attack..(i don't have asthma)...(this ended shortly after). Anywho...I had to call in tonight because there is nooooo way I can go..I haven't felt this bad in a long time.
I called the infection control nurse and she didn't think that I could have a reaction to the shot...because after's a dead virus or whatever...which I agree with. It just seems so ironic though..u know? When I called in tonight, the supervisor named off four people that had the same thing happen to them. I'm sure it's probably just something going around...but you almost wonder..maybe we got a bad batch or Anyways...just wondering what peoples thoughts on this were. I'm heading back to bed...thank god for thera flu. Thanks everyone..
Lisa D
1 Post
Hello I recently doubted the flu shot was a dead virus myself, I administered about 30 of them and not only did every pt get sick I also got the flu????? As well as most of the staff at the ELF I work at. I feel for you I finally did a breathing tx, and I dont have asthma either. Get better soon....
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts
Might you be reacting to the preservative? Who knows? Sometimes things make no sense or are coincidental. You may have been ready to become ill and the vaccine threw you over the edge. I hope you feel better soon.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
I had a flu shot and would not have know that I had it other than for the bandaid on my arm.
If every patient got ill after getting the shot, I would be concerned with what was in the batch, sounds like something was wrong with what you received. You may have seen a few get a reaction or whatever, but 100%?
Definitely think that it was a bad batch.
Since the facility should have a record of each injection, lot number, etc., you may want to have your county health dept check it out.
158 Posts
my eye got al swollen but that is it.
87 Posts
Hey all,Well..I got the flu shot this morning at about noon or a little later..I was sicker than a dog!!! I have a severe headache, severe body aches, shaking chills, and a fever. Also at around noon...I started coughing non stop and had severe audible the point where I felt like I was going thru an asthma attack..(i don't have asthma)...(this ended shortly after). Anywho...I had to call in tonight because there is nooooo way I can go..I haven't felt this bad in a long time. I called the infection control nurse and she didn't think that I could have a reaction to the shot...because after's a dead virus or whatever...which I agree with. It just seems so ironic though..u know? When I called in tonight, the supervisor named off four people that had the same thing happen to them. I'm sure it's probably just something going around...but you almost wonder..maybe we got a bad batch or Anyways...just wondering what peoples thoughts on this were. I'm heading back to bed...thank god for thera flu. Thanks everyone..hugs,snoop'
Hope you get to feeling better soon.I just got off from work.I need to go get my flu shot.
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,553 Posts
"I had a flu shot and would not have know that I had it other than for the bandaid on my arm."
What Suzanne said above was the same experience my husband and I had with our flu shots. I love the stuff! The experience you and so many others had does seem unusual and I would think it would be reasonable to have the infection control nurse look into the matter further.
226 Posts
I am so sorry you had such an awful time after your flu shot. As Sharann said I wonder if you had a reaction to the preservative or someting in the vaccine?
I have been getting the flu shot since I started nursing school in 1974 and have NEVER had a reaction other than a sore arm.
Hope you are better soon!
489 Posts
I've never had a reaction either thank goodness! While I was still at the NH, several folks seemed to get sick within days of the flu shot, but of course no connection was noted.