Published May 22, 2007
8 Posts
Ok, I have done suzanne's plan, did the exam first then read everytime i get below 75% and now i am just doing the CD-Rom and been getting in the 70's percent. So what do i do now, is there another step to suzanne's plan or do i just book to write my exam.
139 Posts
she only responce thru via e-mail pm only. you can find this by clicking allnurses home page. and scroll down to nclex forum. and you can find her
user profile located on the left side " suzanne4"
via email (she dont want you to do it)
but via pm only (private message) she will answer your topic
62 Posts
After you finish the first tip then pm her...
256 Posts
i also answered the compre test..and got 182/265 (68-69%) is it also included onthe 1st tip?? im a bit confused.
PM not email ryt??? wat via "email pm" youre talking about runnerbe??? im confused pls help me make things clear.tnx
Im just trying to help you guys. Like i said you have to click suzanne4 located on top of the home page. You can see her user profile and click from there. But if you dont know what im talking about then i cann't help you. Im very sorry. or try to check on the STICKY THREADs its located under NCLEX FORUM DISCUSSION. And also, you have to notify her about using her program by then she can help you. I think she's on vacation right now. Good luck......
2b_usrn, that's your registered User right? and so with suzanne4 as well ( suzanne4 she's one of the nurse moderator here ALLNURSES.COM) . YOU HAVE TO CLICK HER NAME AND YOU WILL FIND OUT WHAT YOU BEEN ASKING. Let me know okay?
Im just trying to help you guys. Like i said you have to click suzanne4 located on top of the home page. You can see her user profile and click from there. But if you dont know what im talking about then i cann't help you. Im very sorry. or try to check on the STICKY THREADs its located under NCLEX FORUM DISCUSSION. And also, you have to notify her about using her program by then she can help you. I think she's on vacation right now. Good luck......2b_usrn, that's your registered User right? and so with suzanne4 as well ( suzanne4 she's one of the nurse moderator here ALLNURSES.COM) . YOU HAVE TO CLICK HER NAME AND YOU WILL FIND OUT WHAT YOU BEEN ASKING. Let me know okay?-
oh i did send her a pm already, i got confused on the "email pm" u mentioned on ur post, cus email and pm arent d same.but yeah i got it. i got ur pm as well maraming salamat.