rant.. "4 weeks notice"

Nurses General Nursing


So long rant..I currently work in a level II ICU as a PT, however there were no FT opportunity on the unit so I was fortunate to find a ft position in a level III ICU in another city. As soon as I got the official paperwork, I talked to my manager and gave my two weeks notice as the new unit wants me on orientation in two weeks. I still very much so like my unit and worked well with the team, therefore I told her I would like to stay on as a causal staff. I have been trying to find someone to cover my shifts with no luck so far, so I emailed my manager and she told me to I need to give 4 weeks notice and "let the hospital know you will start in next month instead". I have never heard of this and anyone with a brain know that there is no way to tamper with a new job like that.

Specializes in None yet..
If it were me, I'd play nice. Tell her you will ask them, but to understand you have full time bills and can't jeopardise the position. Then call the new place, and let them know that while you are dying to start, the other place did treat you nice, and they are in a jam, and ask if this is at all doable? if not, that you'll be there bright , early, and bushy tailed in 2 weeks. I would hope that they would appreciate that you are this kind of person, and they would value these behaviors if it was them.

I like this tactful, considerate and professional approach!

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