2014 Ranking for DTCC?


Does anyone know what the current ranking sheet looks like? I can't locate it anywhere online! I will be switching majors from dental hygiene to RN n DH always had theirs available.

I completed AP 1 & 2 with a B. I am a DE resident, I was exempt from rdg 120, completed eng 121 with an A & Soc 111 with an A. gpa is at 3.0 currently.

I still need to take micro, mat119, eng 122, & psy 127, which I'm positive I can ace if I buckle down & study. I also need to take the HLH 130 apparently & the NLN-Pax & I plan on taking chem 110 as a refresher & to also help boost my gpa. I'm planning & hoping to score high on everything, id just really like to tally my current score & also try to plan as well. I'm giving myself a year to complete this (since I'm a mom to be).

Does anyone know the ranking & also do you all think doing three classes per semester would be too much with a kid & job? I was thinking of doing eng 122 & psy127 online & Chm 110 during summer & micro, math 119 & HLH in fall.

Specializes in Aesthetics, Med/Surg, Outpatient.

I just finished 3d semester @ Stanton so feel free to inbox me with any questions... I might still have the NLN book but here is a link to buy... also check craigslist

ISBN 9780763762711 - RN Pre-Entrance Exam with CD 3rd Edition Direct Textbook

I like the way you are thinking as far as your courses go. Id like to ask what courses are you able to take in Spring? You would be able to knock out 2 courses and do the NLN Spring, 2 Summer and HLH and last course in the Fall. If you already have a Chem 110 equiv that has transferred in, I wouldnt recommend re-doing it IMHO.

Rankin sheet is located in the Nursing Competitive Admissions Process (Admission Handbook) page 20


I can't do spring just yet cuz my son is due mid semester; I don't have chem 110 yet either. Thanks I will definitely inbox you!

I just finished 3d semester @ Stanton so feel free to inbox me with any questions... I might still have the NLN book but here is a link to buy... also check craigslist

ISBN 9780763762711 - RN Pre-Entrance Exam with CD 3rd Edition Direct Textbook

I like the way you are thinking as far as your courses go. Id like to ask what courses are you able to take in Spring? You would be able to knock out 2 courses and do the NLN Spring, 2 Summer and HLH and last course in the Fall. If you already have a Chem 110 equiv that has transferred in, I wouldnt recommend re-doing it IMHO.

Rankin sheet is located in the Nursing Competitive Admissions Process (Admission Handbook) page 20


Specializes in Aesthetics, Med/Surg, Outpatient.

Congrats to you :)

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