Rancho Springs Medical Center


Specializes in ICU.

Has anybody worked for Rancho Springs Medical Center in Murietta,CA?? how is it --working conditions,etc?

I actually know someone very close to myself, that worked for Southwest Healthcare, the company that owns Rancho Springs Medical Center & Inland Valley Medical Center, for almost twenty years. I am not sure if you are currently in the southern California region, but Rancho Springs and Inland Valley have been in the media quiet a bit very recently, and in a very unfavorable light. They are at a very close risk or already lost their liscensing from the state:uhoh3: If you check out kcal9.com or abc7la.com or abc7.com (I can not remember the exact one) and you can read the entire story, including all the juicy details! On a side note, I grew up in Murrieta, just recently moved 50 miles north. I lived there from age 5 to 23 and I believe it is an excellent place to live and an even better place to raise a suburban family. (Not sure if you live there or not) :nurse:

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

It's a very small hospital in an area where there really isn't any other hospitals so they get a little bit of everything. I had a supervisor who used to work there and he liked it.

As the other poster said though, they are currently at risk of getting shut down. It seems to me they would be trying to do everything they can to keep them open, as there aren't any other hospitals in that area. But who knows with politics. I had a friend that worked at the sister hospital Inland Valley and she loved it, she was in ER.

I would think they would be doing everything they could because they have some big competition opening up in the next year or so, Loma Linda University is opening up a new hopsital medical center off of Clinton Keith Road and they are already starting to hire administrative staff. The sad thing is both Inland and Rancho has both added on to their facility in the past 5 years. Rancho has a beautiful womens center that has been built for over two years and yet to open...disapointing:idea:

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

I understand competition, but the area is already under-served. There seems to be enough patients to go around?

Isn't that hospital associated with LLU not supposed to open until 2013?

Don't know all the politics involved though, they do seem to be nice looking hospitals, I've only ever driven by though. I work at probably one of the ugliest hospitals in the inland empire....bleh

Hopefully it will all work out. It will just mean more unemployed nurses and more job competition if those hospitals go under, as well as even less beds for patients.

Has anybody worked for Rancho Springs Medical Center in Murietta,CA?? how is it --working conditions,etc?

I work for Southwest at thier Inland Valley location, I am part of the new Grad Program that started in February, I love it!

Yes they have been in the press lately, and have been having some difficulty with the state, actually for the past 3 years or so this battle has been going on.

The administration and cooperate offices (UHS) have stepped up their response this last go around and really putting best foot forward.

I did my student nursing at these facilities as well for the past two years, and I am very proud to work for Southwest, I think the nursing and the management have been doing a fantastic job under the pressure and harassment from the State.

As far as competition goes, yes Loma linda is set to open in 2011, however with only 104 beds, this area is severely underserved, even with our new additions and LLMC comming here it still won't be enough.

As an added note SWHS is also beginning their hospital in Temecula that will open with 144 beds to start should be finished in 2013, it is set to be the oncology center.

Once the new buildings at Rancho are allowed to open, womens services and ER will move in there, Inland Valley is going to then start building a Cardiac center. Inland has also nearly completed their additions to the ICU and the ER.

PM if you want more information but if you are interested in being part of a growing successful industry then Yes Rancho/inland are great places to work.

Hi cncplus3! It made me feel confident in reading your message, I am wondering if what the nursing battery exam consists of, and what kind of questions they asked during the panel interview, i am applying for their new grad program, and im nervous with the battery exam i dont know if it is something to study for (i hope not) and what kind of clinical situations they ask in panel interview... thanks!

the career battery is basicly situational questions and how you would react in each situation, before i took the test i looked it up on line by doing a search here is what i found.


i will say that if you don't "pass" this test they won't even look at your application (so i am told). i have no idea what passing is, to me though the questions were common sense, what kind of employee will you be.

the questions at the panel interview were basic interview questions, give examples in your proffesional life (nursing or otherwise) where you were in certain situations, ex..going above and beyond for a patient, having to deal with difficult situations etc...

good luck!

Thank you so theres really not much specific nursing stuff, because i was worried im not up to date and may have forgotten some nursing concepts, so most likely stock knowledge and job and interview experience are all i need. thanks!

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