Published Apr 11, 2015
1 Post
tried to do pvt with a master gift that had no money in it but was not expired, told me that the payment was declined and that i need use a different card. Don't know what to do, could it be that I took the test on friday and was done with it around 5:30 why I don't see my results? please guys i have already cried all day yesterday and today about the fact that i might've failed since the trick didnt work. and with no results in, its not a good thing .
180 Posts
According to the PVT, you may have not passed. The 'Good Pop-Up' should say you are unable to register. You can use a card but change the expiration date and security code and it should still work. Just be sure to do it after 24 hours for the final scoring 'cause NCLEX is scored twice. Supposedly if you run out of time, it grades you on your last 60 questions and if you get even one wrong, you fail. Please don't quote me though! Have faith and push on!
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
No, but you're close: when you run out of time and have not completed the exam, the CAT scoring looks to the last 60 questions you answered. If you were above the passing standard, then you will pass. If you fell below the passing standard, you will fail. You may get items wrong, you just cannot have fallen below the standard required for passing.