Published Jul 27, 2005
3 Posts
I took the NClex yesterday....for the third time!!!! The previous two attempts I took all 265 questions. This time, it shut off at 77. i feel as though I did ok, not terrible, but definitely not awesome. Anyone have any insight for me? The suspense is killing me!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
The number of questions that you receive is not related to how well you did on the exam. The severity of the questions is a better guide, but again, it is only a guide. There is absolutely no reason to try and second guess what your score is going to be. The only thing that you can do is sit tight and wait until your name gets posted, or you can get early results from Pearson-Vue if your state permits it.
I know the numbe of questions isnt a definite determinant of pass/fail...however it seems that almost everyone I know who's gotten around 75 questions of so has passed.
317 Posts
Two people in my class passed with 76 and 78 questions!!!!
Only time will tell.
congratulations! :balloons: :balloons: