75 questions and passed!


I have read many discussions on this site. More of the positives than negatives. I wanted to share my story. I took the nclex yesterday and found I this morning I passed! I had 24 sata, 4 exhibit, and 5 meds. I have been studying for 6 weeks from 4 different books. I took many tests from each book. Those books are Lacharity, Mary Hogan review and Rationales, Saunders, And Zerwekh. What Im trying to say about all this is dont overstudy. It can cause extreme anxiety when it gets near to the test date. RELAX AND PRAY. During my test, i kept saying "Jesus" and he worked it out for me. For those who believe, he says ask and it shall be given and today I was given the very thing i ask for. I been through many struggles during nursing school with two small kids and a husband plus working fulltime. So what i say to those who may be discourage, sometimes you have to go through the worst to get to your reward. Hang in there it will be ok!

Congratulations on a job well done.

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