84 questions on NCLEX-RN


So I took my nclex for the third time last Thursday. I felt decent about it this time. I am very impatient but I am curious what everyone thinks about gettin around 84 questions. I had 8 sata, 5 meds and the rest priority and delegation. I am very impatient and it's Monday, should I get nervous?! Or am I still alright?

Number of questions doesn't really help you decide as far as I know. Did you do that trick yet? I heard it works most of the time and it worked for me too.


I have not I don't know any of my info for online stuff.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

That's a totally random number...usually people post stating they have 75 or 265.

Anyhow, all getting 84 questions means is that it took the computer 84 questions to determine if you passed or failed. At this point, you can only wait for the results. Though if you took the test Thursday, try calling your BON to see if they have a license number for you.

Best of luck!

So I took my nclex for the third time last Thursday. I felt decent about it this time. I am very impatient but I am curious what everyone thinks about gettin around 84 questions. I had 8 sata, 5 meds and the rest priority and delegation. I am very impatient and it's Monday, should I get nervous?! Or am I still alright?

When I took the PN NCLEX I used the Pearson Vue trick to see if I passed, and it worked. (I did pass)


Yes, the PearsonVue trick can tell you if you passed or not; whether or not 84 meets some critical barrier for good or bad is impossible to know.

My 2nd NCLEX take took me 104 questions and i still failed. It really doesnt depend on what the actual number of questions you took but how well you took them.

i totally agree on the comments above. Number of questions and number of SATA's does not define pass or fail..

my 1st exam - 90+ questions 8-10 sata= failed

my 2nd exam- 101 questions 8-10 sata = passed

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