Questions for interview

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Hi everybody,

What questions do they ask for CNA group interview? I got a chance to interview. Please give me some advice. Thank you very much!

Here are some of the questions they asked me were

"what would you do if you had a difficult patient?"

"What are the different types of abuse? give examples"

"If you see abuse what would be the first thing you would do?"

"What would you do after that?"

"What are your strengths?"

"What are your weaknesses?"

"How do you plan on improving them?"

"When can you start!" ;)

Good Luck!

:thankya:Thank you so much!

Gourp interview! Maybe 1000 people apply this job.

I was asked things like:

Describe a situation when you had to get someone to trust you. How did you gain their trust?

Describe a time when you worked in a team to accomplish something.

Describe a time when u saw an employee doing something wrong. What did you do?

Describe a time when u did not agree with ur boss or an employee. What did u do? How did u handle it?

Describe how you keep track of your own weekly activities.

They ask questions that will tell them if u can work in a team, be trustworthy, can multitask and prioritize, can build a trusting relationship with patients/residents.

Here are some of the questions they asked me were

"what would you do if you had a difficult patient?"

With a difficult patient it depends on the individuals mental status. For a pt with dementia I will reassure them that they are all right and not argue with their perception.

"What are the different types of abuse? give examples"

Psychological, neglect, monetary, and physical.

"If you see abuse what would be the first thing you would do?"

I would attempt to stop the abuse and advocate for the patients rights without putting myself in harms way.

"What would you do after that?"

I would report it to the LPN supervising me or to the charge nurse.

"What are your strengths?"

I am compassionate and live to serve others in their times of need.

"What are your weaknesses?"

I can be brutally honest at times which is not always the kindest thing to do.

"How do you plan on improving them?"

I know that the good of my patient must always come first.

"When can you start!"



Good Luck!

Just for practice I hope you don't mind if I answer these! I'd appreciate any feedback as well:)

I was asked things like:

Describe a situation when you had to get someone to trust you. How did you gain their trust?

Describe a time when you worked in a team to accomplish something.

Describe a time when u saw an employee doing something wrong. What did you do?

Describe a time when u did not agree with ur boss or an employee. What did u do? How did u handle it?

Describe how you keep track of your own weekly activities.

They ask questions that will tell them if u can work in a team, be trustworthy, can multitask and prioritize, can build a trusting relationship with patients/residents.

Would you mind sharing some good answers to these questions?


I don't know that these are the best answers, but I was hired! It was my first interview for a CNA job.

Describe a situation when you had to get someone to trust you. How did you gain their trust?

When I ran a home daycare, I had to gain the parents trust with their kids. To gain their trust I was honest with them and communicated with them daily about their kids. I did what I said I would do, when I said I would do it.

Describe a time when you worked in a team to accomplish something.

When I was an assistant manager, I worked with a team of managers to improve quality of training, and to improve customer service. This included coming up with contest for the employes to boost moral and productivity.

Describe a time when u saw an employee doing something wrong. What did you do? I saw another assistant manager be very disrespectful to another employee out of anger. I reported it to the general manager, and she spoke with him about it.

Describe a time when u did not agree with your boss or an employee. What did u do? How did u handle it? It had to do with scheduling. I explained why a certain schedule may not work, and we discussed it and mad appropriate changes.

Describe how you keep track of your own weekly activities.

I keep a calender where I will see it every day. I write my weekly/monthly actives on it. If I think that I may forget something important, I set a reminder on my phone.

You can relate the answers not only to other jobs, but also from your personal life or school.

Hope this helps!

LOL I like your brutally honest answer! It's a good thing for a job, but with friends and family it may be a little offensive sometimes.

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