Questions about Excelsior Graduation stuff.

Nursing Students Online Learning



My excitement is getting the best of me.

I passed the CPNE last weekend and I am waiting now to become graduation eligible.

They told me it would take a couple of weeks for them to process that information, but my question is, how quickly do they even get the information from the CA? Nothing on the website is even showing that I have passed it yet, and that makes me a little nervous. Whenever I have taken an exam before, within 24-48 hours my status update on my student report has shown up and then it's in stone. Are they just looking over everything one last time, or am I just worrying for nothing?

Glad to be done, but man I wish I had some answers!! :)

Also, what all does graduation involve? Do you get your paper degree? Do you get a nursing pin? Are any or all of these included?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

You're worrying for nothing, just like the rest of us did. :D I felt soooo much better when that "pass" showed up in the system! LOL. It took a week or less, can't remember exactly.

Once your status is updated, you'll be processed for graduation. Sorry, I can't remember, but did you get in with that package deal pricing they had last year? If so, I don't think you have a graduation fee. Otherwise your grad fee will be something like $490. After that, it depends on your state as to how fast EC can send out your transcripts, or what you'll need to eventually get your ATT for NCLEX.

You'll get a diploma in the mail shortly after your grad date -- I graduated 8/15, and had my diploma just a few days after that. Nursing pins are extra.

Specializes in Wound Care, LTC, Sub-Acute, Vents.

haha. i knew the feeling. i called ec the day after which was monday and was told the same thing that they have not received anything yet from my site. don't worry about the update on ec web page. if you call ec, they should be able to tell you when your official conferral date is.

anyway these are the dates for me:

8/6/2010-8/8/2010 - cpne

8/26/2010 - completed my last requirement - clep growth & development

8/28/2010 - i sent my completed application to the bon and paid pearson the 200 bucks.

9/7/2010 - ec received my transcript from clep

9/17/2010 - ec sent my "letter of qualification" to my bon

9/23/2010 - i received my att

10/4/2010 - took nclex-rn

10/15/2010 - graduation date (conferral date)

my advise to you is call ec and ask to be transferred to the state board advisement team and they will tell you what your bon needs from you. like in my case, new jersey does not need a transcript or the conferral date and all they wanted was the "letter of qualification" that is why i was able to become an rn before i even graduate.


i did not receive my diploma/degree yet as the 15th was just 3 days ago so i am not sure what i will be receiving in the mail.

angel, rn

Thanks guys.

I guess I'll play the waiting game now. :)

Specializes in Wound Care, LTC, Sub-Acute, Vents.

update: i received my diploma/degree today in the mail. it includes a student copy of my official transcript, brochure for jostens ring, and brochure for the rn to bsn program. no nursing pin.

angel, rn

Specializes in Emergency, Case Management, Informatics.

Check "Course Registration Status" under MyEC to see your passing grade. Like you, I kept looking for a status report update and didn't see it. Even though I knew (like everyone else) that I had passed at the end of the CPNE, it made me feel better to see the Pass on the website.

My status report wasn't actually updated until about 2 weeks after the CPNE, but the Pass showed under Course Reg after about 3 days. :D

DonaldJ it was there!

And I did get in with the package pricing, so I have the $500 graduation fee waived!!! THANK GOD. That is truly a blessing this close to Christmas; we weren't quite sure how we were going to come up with that money.

Now I just get to wait! :)

Hopefully in a couple of weeks everything is squared away. :)

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