120 questions a day


for those who did 100+ questions daily , what was your schedule like? Thank you

I took 3 weeks off to study...I don't have children and I was able to get time off work. My schedule was devoted to NCLEX. I read all of Saunders and Kaplan Premier during that time aswell. In that time I was able to do:

1400 Pass point Q's (I took 2, 2 week free trials)

700 Saunders Q's

700 Nclex MasteryQs

480 Kaplan Qs

200 Prioritization, delegation and management of care Qs

~50 of the kapan trainer 7 Question I found on quizlet

I averaged about 150 Questions a day. Somevdays less some days more!

I write my exam this Saturday, I am taking these two last days to relax and just review and do questions if I feel like it. Don't burn yourself out!

Wow, very dedicated study plan. Thanks for sharing . Wish you the best on your exam :)

I have kids but luckily I was off work for studying. I don't like to sit through long periods of studying, because I don't retain information that way. So I broke up my studying to 30-50 questions at a time, usually amounting to 100-150 questions per day. I would do other things between, reading different texts, watching youtube videos on ECGs and such.

ontnursec, thanks and you only used UWORLD?

ontnursec, thanks and you only used UWORLD?

Yes I used UWORLD

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