Question about Washington NCLEX reults?


Hello everyone, I have a BIG question that I have been worrying about. I take my NCLEX in Washington on a friday at 1:00. I was just wondering when the soonest I could hear about my results. I know about the two business day thing for the unofficial results; however, I am from Montana and my friend got her results (by searching for her name and lisence on the Montana State Board of Nursing Website) within hours. I was just wondering if the same thing happens in Washington or if it is a longer process. Because I am scheduled late on Friday will this extended the time it takes for me to get my results?

Anyone please help, I am super nervous about getting results.

Specializes in SRNA.

Although the quick results say two "business" days, I've had friends that took NCLEX on Friday and they got their results on Sunday.

I don't think WA processes the results that fast for you to find out on their website, especially over the weekend.

Good luck!

Specializes in Case Manager/Administrator.

I took my NCLEX on a Friday as well, by Sunday morning I was on pins and needles and decided to check the results (I paid the extra monies). It was there, Passed.

Good luck and read the whole question first.

Thanks a bunch for replying everyone:) THat makes me have a more diffinetive date. WIll let you know how it turns out....eeeeek

Tried the Nclex trick and got the error message so hope it is right. I don't know how I am going to wait until fing Tuesday.

Found out today... the quick results were availble on Sunday (even though it says two business days) I passed. I also learned at least in washington the quick results are the fastest way to find out (Esp. if you are taking the test near the weekend). SUPER excited. THanks everyone for the support. TOTTALY an RN now:)

So someone asked how I studied and where I was from. I am in Walla Walla, WA. I mostly studied Saunders. I read through the whole saunders book and did all of the questions. I also got the Mosby's book and did all of the questions in that book (Although I did not read the info in the mosby's book). In addition, I bought the Sauders Q and A book and did questions from that book. All in all I did around 4,500 ?s. THE BEST tip I can give you is to get the "Pharm Phlash" Cards by davis (Whiteish box and they were in Barnes and Noble right by the NCLEX study books). Because of these cards I at least knew what the drug was for on every drug I saw on the NCLEX.

However, the questions I had on the NCLEX were quite different than the questions from saunders and Mosby's (Wording and Questions) but I don't know how else I would have studied. This got me through and I am sure it will get all of you through.

P>S> I Studied hard core (7-8hrs/day) for 13 days rather than the suggested 3 weeks at a less hectic pace. In hindsight it would have been a more enjoyable time if I had split it up a bit better. Hope everything goes well for everyone:)

Specializes in SRNA.

Congratulations! It feels great to have that behind you, doesn't it?!

You sorta live in my area of the country! I'm over in the Tri-Cities :) Small world. I hope finding a job won't be a struggle for you!

You can pay the $20 fee over the phone to access your results in 3 days. However, if the NCLEX Results phone thingy has the results the DOH will already have them posted on the website for FREE! (thereby making the phone system a rip-off) HSQA Provider Credential Search - Search Criteria

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