question about traction positioning


Specializes in Pediatric CVICU.

ok i was reviewing my Kaplan book & i am confused on Buck's traction. my book states,

elevate foot of bed for contertraction & place pillow beneath lower legs, not heel. DONT elevate knee gatch!

whats the difference b/w elevating the foot of the bed & the knee gatch??

gatching the knee does exactly that, elevates the knee , not the foot....put the bed in trendelenburg and elevate the head, voila........if you are using old crank beds.....put pillows, folded blankets whatever...UNDER the mattress at the foot......good luck

knee gatch - structure that u put under the knees .

elevate the foot of the bed - with blocks

knee gatch - structure that u put under the knees .

elevate the foot of the bed - with blocks

yup, that'll work too......the idea is to maintain a straight line from hip to heel
Specializes in Pediatric CVICU.

thanks so much!

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