Published Sep 5, 2005
796 Posts
I broke the skin today (minor - very superficial) on my hand on a nail. (doing home improvements) The nail had probably been there five years. The time of the injury was about 11 AM. I thought I had recently gotten a tetorifice shot, but then looked back at my records tonight and realized in has somehow been eleven years. Do you think I can wait til morning and go to a walk in clinic? (my doc will not be open on a holiday weekend) I don't want to go to the ER for a tetorifice shot - but I am now getting concerned since it has been eleven years.
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
Yes, you can wait until tomorrow, but, you must go tomorrow.
Tetorifice incubation period is usually 14 days, but, can be sooner, so .....go tomorrow and you will be fine.
1,119 Posts
Definately get this taken care of ASAP, rather than take chances.
so are you saying you'd go to the ER rather than the clinic that opens in 9 hours?
Actually if it was me I would go to the clinic rather than wait in the ER, but definately don't put it off longer.
21 Posts
You could wait but make sure you go. We had a patient in our ICU about a month ago with tetorifice from a rose bush thorn. Terrible.
neneRN, BSN, RN
642 Posts
You have 72 hours from the time of the wound/cut/whatever to safely get the Td booster.