Question about Science TEAS question


HELP SOMEONE ANYONE!! I recently took the TEAS and did well on everything but the science section. I have brushed up on what I could remember from this test, but there is one thing that I am clueless about.. There was a question that was a picture of either mountains or volcanos and there was either clouds or smoke above them. I only remember it being something about the origin of mountain ranges. Does anyone have a clue what I am talking about?

Specializes in cardiac-telemetry, hospice, ICU.

I think you are talking about plate techtonics, in particular, a convergent boundary.Check out this web site, it explains the types of boundaries very well

Thank you a lot for the link.

Thanks so much for this link. I took the science the first time and didn't do well. I wrote down as much as I could remember from the test and created my own study guide from it bc I found the majority of the online study guides and even most of the stuff in the Nursing Entrance Exam study guides were not helpful. So after studying my more specific guide, I did MUCH better and am finally done with the TEAS! I appreciate everyone's help!

hi was just wondering if you can send me a copy of your notes you studied am so nervous about thist test trying to brush up on any info i can get

Thanks so much for this link. I took the science the first time and didn't do well. I wrote down as much as I could remember from the test and created my own study guide from it bc I found the majority of the online study guides and even most of the stuff in the Nursing Entrance Exam study guides were not helpful. So after studying my more specific guide, I did MUCH better and am finally done with the TEAS! I appreciate everyone's help![/quo

Sunnigirl, you said you wrote down questions from the teas test to create you own study guide,

I guess that means you got the same questions the second time around?

Just curious because I need to take the teas again. thanks:redbeathe

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