Published Sep 24, 2004
32 Posts
I have a question about preeclampsia and drug of choice. Is apresoline or
Aldoment the drugs of choice to treat this condition? Or is magnesium sulphate used instead.
I was told by by class instructor that magnesium sulphate is used to treat
preeclampsia, but my clinical instructor says that magnesium sulphate is used to treat preeclampsia seizures and not really used to treat hypertension.
1,378 Posts
Mag protects against seizures.
20,964 Posts
Magnesium Sulfate therapy decreases smooth muscle excitability, therefore reducing the liklihood of seizure. Blood pressure meds as a rule are not made to prevent seizure, just lower blood pressure, which in itself CAN reduce chances of seizure. Often, patients who have very high b/p that does not respond to MGS04, will receive concommitant b/p med therapy such as aldomet. Hope this helps!
8 Posts
Hi.... preeclampsia can be mild or severe. In the mild form, anti hypertensives can be given like methyldopa (aldomet) to control the BP but careful monitoring must be followed, we don't want the mothers getting comfortable that they already have the medication since the BP could still shoot up. In severe form, DBP>110mmHg with abnormal laboratory findings, mothers are usually admitted and Hydralazine is given as needed to lower the BP and magnesium sulfate to prevent seizures. If BP remains uncontrolled inspite of the treatment, delivery of the baby is advisable since the increase BP of the mother compromises the oxygen delivery from mother to fetus causing IUGR.
Hope you find this useful.......
350 Posts
Hi I have a question about preeclampsia and drug of choice. Is apresoline or Aldoment the drugs of choice to treat this condition? Or is magnesium sulphate used instead. I was told...magnesium sulphate is used to treatpreeclampsia, but my clinical instructor says that magnesium sulphate is used to treat preeclampsia seizures and not really used to treat hypertension.
Aldoment the drugs of choice to treat this condition? Or is magnesium sulphate used instead. I was told...magnesium sulphate is used to treat
aldomet: used long-term in pregnancy to help control the BP,
NOT for crisis management
apresoline and Labetelol: used IVP for extreeme hypertensiive episodes where bringing down BP quickly is essential.
Procardia: used sometimes post-delivery to help keep BP down, for short term use.
Mag Sulfate: anti-seizure med, with nice side effect of lowering BP 10-20mmHg.
Hope this helps.