Question about patient abandonment


Specializes in Long term care.

I started a new job last month in long term accute care. I like it pretty much. I like my coworkers pretty much, hours are good, most days I enjoy it. The other night I was charge nurse. When I went to take my 30m break, one of the LVN med nurses left the building. He left keys with a new orientee and sai he would be right back. He didn't return for 2 hours. When he did return he told me something about a friend blah blah. I was like you missed your entire med pass and a lot of patients are upset. 

I reported this to the DON immediately and mentioned that this is neglect and patient abamdonment. No consequences seemed to come to this individual possibly because he has been there for a long time and picks up lots of extra shifts...we are poorly staffed. 

Am I correct that this is abandonment and neglect? Should this have been reported to BON? He left his med keys (without counting narcs) with someone who has no training to pass meds.  

I don't know, but I wouldn't work in a place where those I am supervising get off scot-free when they leave the facility for hours. I can almost guarantee you there is more badness you just don't know about yet. Any place where someone caring for patients feels free to just walk off the job for however long they want is a place that has BIG problems.

Specializes in Appeals Nurse Consultant.

If you see another nurse potentially causing harm to patients (not giving scheduled meds), and a facility allowing it?  You're correct.....Remember , you are an mandated reporter to let the BON  know about what you have seen. If any thing goes really bad one day, and they question you,  what will you say why you didn't?

Was the narc count off? So the patients didn't get their meds? I wouldn't be there anymore and I'd call the board. That new orientee could/would have been blamed if the narc count was off. You should also teach them not to accept the keys without counting the narcs.

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